.. Crossing over!
We first read about Joshua in Exodus
chapter 17 of the Bible. Here he leads the army of Israel in
battle, against their enemies, the Amalekites.
As they
are fighting, Moses, Israel's leader is on a mountain top,
holding the rod of God high. This is a symbol of PRAYER. When
Moses hands are held up, Joshua and the Israelites are winning
the fight. But, when Moses gets tired and his hands are lowered,
the Amalekites are gaining ground! Finally, two of Moses helpers,
Aaron and Hur, seat Moses on a rock and one on each side, they
hold up his hands till sunset, and Joshua wins the victory!!
This is
a very helpful story, as it teaches us that God will give us
VICTORY in every difficulty in life, through our having FAITH and
bringing everything to HIM in believing PRAYER.
Can we
ask you, "Are you struggling with the circumstances in your
life at the moment?"
If the
answer is, "Yes," can we ask you, kindly, "Are you
spending time in prayer, before the Lord Jesus?"
Bible says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in
everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present
your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds through
Christ Jesus." PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7
The young soldier,
Joshua, learned that he could win through with the Lord God.
You can learn this too,
as we enter the new Millennium!
PRAYER .. "Dear
Lord Jesus, I have been so anxious about __________________ . I
come to You for help in this matter, knowing that You love me and
care for me. Help me to get the Victory. In Your Name. Amen."
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