Oh dear - no Java!!!! Get some here Oh dear - no Java!!!! Get some here

A strange but wonderful peace began to fill my heart. This time I was for real. I went to my suitcase, where I remembered there was an old battered Bible - a gift from my grandfather, many years previously, and carried for good luck. I asked the LORD to show me something from His Word, confessing I was unfamiliar with using a Bible. It fell open at Luke 15, where a boy leaves home and goes off to a foreign country and becomes a waster. His life is in a mess but he decides to go home to his father and apologise and ask for a menial slave's job. But his father sees him coming and runs to meet him with a hug of forgiveness. HE RECEIVES HIM BACK AS A SON, NOT AS A SLAVE!

This story hit me, as it was just for me. GOD was assuring me that He loved me and was receiving me back as a SON, whom He had totally forgiven. I felt so loved and full of joy. God's grace was truly overwhelming! I went out on to my little balcony and looked up at the beautiful southern sky, so full of stars that seemed so close, almost to touch. I'd also read another wee verse that said there was a party amongst the angels of Heaven when one sinner repented. I could sense the angels singing then, because of me!

Well you say ... "IMAGINATION" or "PSYCHOLOGICAL" or "RAMBLING BECAUSE OF ALCOHOL ADDICTION" or something like that.

My dear reader, these events happened well over twenty five years ago and for over twenty of these I have served the LORD JESUS, along with my wife, as a full time preacher and missionary. The LORD really has opened the WINDOWS OF HEAVEN for us!

"Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the windows of heaven and pour you out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." (Malachi 3:10)

This same LORD JESUS died for YOUR sins and rose again. He is ALIVE for ever and can forgive YOU and make YOU a new person. TRUST in HIM today!