loves you, very deeply and He sent His one and only Son, the Lord
Jesus, to die for you, on the cross. How true and how comforting,
that is! But we must never forget the other side to the coin of
God's holy character, the fact that God is also JUST!
is just; He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and
give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will
happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing
fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not
know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will
be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the
presence of the Lord..." 2 THESSALONIANS 1: 6-9
mother may say to her little boy, "If you go near that fire
I'll smack you!" Then, when he touches the fire and gets
burned she may cuddle him in her arms. She has expressed LOVE at
the expense of her JUSTICE! God is not like that! Of course, some
people do not like the idea of a God who is JUST, so they
manufacture their own God, a kind of 'God-in a box,' that they
control. Their God is all 'love' and they don't want Bible
doctrine or truth. Everyone is equal, they say and we are all 'Christians'
and the world is getting better. Not so!
course, psychologists tell us that we often deny most strongly,
what we fear most. Men and women don't like to face up to the
TRUTH about HELL, because they don't want to face up to the TRUTH
that they are going there - and they are, because God is JUST!
Sin, wrong-doing, bad and evil must be punished. A judge or
magistrate, in our land must punish wrong-doing. We have a lovely
friend who is a procurator and she must punish those who have
broken the law - it is her job, to do so. How much more, the
JUDGE of all the Earth?

will be punished?
- In
the Bible passage above, it is those who have "TROUBLED,"
the Christians. It is a very serious thing to trouble a
Christian! Why because the Christian is God's child. If I
troubled one of your children, would you just sit back
and shrug it off, as of no consequence? Of course not!
Then it is the same with God the Father. We note that in
the Old Testament, every nation that troubled the Jews,
was punished by the LORD. It is a historical fact!

- Also
to be punished are, "those who do not KNOW God."
When talking to the lads, up the street, I tell them,
"God is as real to me as Trixie, my wife. I walk
with Him and talk with Him. He is my friend and helper;
we work together." They just can't understand it!
Being a Christian is not about a religion, nor a church,
nor a social club, nor a hobby. No, it is about a
friendship with the Lord Jesus, who is Creator, God and
Lord of all. He is mine! I KNOW God! It wasn't always so;
I knew about Him, but now I KNOW Him, personally. Do you?
If not - it is HELL!
- Also,
our scripture says, that those who "do not obey the
gospel of our Lord Jesus," will be punished. What is
the gospel? Jesus, Himself, said these words, "But
unless you repent, you too will all perish," LUKE 13:3.
We know that it was in LOVE that
He spoke these TRUE words.
does the word REPENT mean?
- It
begins with a knowledge of SIN. Your eyes are opened.
Whereas before you thought you were 'a good sort of
person,' you now realise you are wicked, corrupt and bad
in God's sight. You see yourself as a great sinner!

- Then,
there is real sorrow, for your sin, deep down in your
heart. You realise you have wasted so many years. You are
aware how much God has been dishonoured by you.
- This
leads you to CONFESS your sins to the Lord. You cry out
to Him, "God, be merciful to me a sinner!"
- You
go on to break off from all sin. Your life is CHANGED and
that not just for a week or two - it will be a lasting
change! The Lord Jesus is on the throne of your life. The
Holy Spirit, gives you power to overcome sin; to fight
with sin; to war with sin and to get VICTORY over sin.
- A
new settled habit emerges, of deep HATRED of all sin. You
begin to hate what is evil and love what is good. You
delight in Bible study and prayer. You begin to let
others know, what the
Lord has done for you. You begin to LOVE others, for
Jesus' sake. When you fail, you hurry to Jesus, to ask
for forgiveness.
- You
have a true and living FAITH in the Lord Jesus Christ,
who washed you from your sins in His own blood.
do you know anything about what it means to REPENT? Because Jesus
said that unless you repent, it is HELL! Have you obeyed the
gospel? If not you are going to be punished!
Lord Jesus paints the most horrific picture of HELL, to deter us
from going there. He uses words like:-
fire" , "everlasting destruction", blackness of
darkness forever", where their worm does not die and the
fire is not quenched", "torment", "lake of
burning sulphur",
"not a drop of water to cool your tongue", "weeping,
wailing and grinding your teeth". He makes it clear that the
man in Hell is conscious and has his memory.

has said, "If we can imaging the worst tragedy on Earth,
such as a mother holding her dying child after a road accident,
and think of that grief and anguish. Multiply the sorrow a
million times and you begin to have a picture of what Hell will
be like.
A man
said to me, "This is Hell, here on Earth now!" I
replied, "Look the sun is shining... there is no LIGHT in
Hell! Listen the birds are singing... there is no bird SONG in
Hell. You and I are talking... there is no FRIENDSHIP in Hell,
you'll be in solitary confinement for ever!" That puts paid
to the false notion that some of the lads have that they'll be
able to party in Hell! No chance!
It is
so sad to think, that some dear, sweet, little elderly lady who
goes to church and never does anyone any harm, is going to get an
awful shock, one day, when she finds herself in Hell...
especially if that little lady is YOUR Mother!
handsome teenage guy, dies suddenly... and finds himself in Hell...
out into the dark without a candle... what a tragedy...
especially if that boy, is YOUR boy!
- "Lord Jesus Christ, You are both tender and terrible, meek
yet masterful. My faith is in You. All glory and honour be to
Your precious Name. Amen."
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Copyright © Trixie Keilty