want the cap, please!" I spoke quietly, but firmly to the
three young men, whom I'd befriended, over the years, through our
work in the community. It was late evening and we stood by the
wall, at the back of the sports centre. Minutes before, Trixie
and I had witnessed their swiping the Nike hat, from the head of
a startled young visitor to our town, as he left the skating. The
two of us had stepped in to prevent a punch up;
Trixie had then escorted the
trembling lad, a few hundred yards to the safety of a taxi,
whilst trying to calm his alarmed friends, some of whom were very
young and crying. I, in turn, had gone after the thieves to try
to talk them round to returning the cap.
gang were adamant, "You're not getting it - no way!" I
persisted for about five minutes, standing my ground, until
annoyed and angry, they sloped off into the night. I turned away
from the retreating figures to go in search of Trixie, whom I
found after she had paid the taxi driver and had seen the wee
victim off safely.
you get the cap?" she asked.
they wouldn't let me have it," I replied.
did they go?"
think they were making for one of the houses."
follow them," said Trixie, "I told that wee guy we'd
get the cap back, for him. I said we were Christians, who believe
God will protect."
at the block, she climbed the stone steps alone, whilst I waited
in the street below. When she knocked on the door, she heard
muffled voices saying, "Oh no, it's Trixie!" She
entered and quietly, but firmly, confronted the lads.
that guy has got nothing to do with street business in this town.
He's an innocent outsider. Now give me the cap!"
you know, they knew she was right and they were cornered, as they
respect her a lot for all she has done for them, over the years.
So they handed it over, saying, "Nobody else would have got
this cap back, Trixie, but because it is you..."
we were really praising the Lord, for giving us the hat back, but
we still had the job of tracing the owner. We only knew his
christian name and the town he came from... not a lot to go on.
But we prayed together and asked God for His sure guidance. He is
a great FRIEND to have, you know. The next day, a Sunday, with
God's leading we set off to find the boy's house. Arriving in his
town, we saw a group of teenagers hanging about, and asked if
they knew, C__________ , who had been at the skating, the
previous night. Immediately, it clicked and they rattled off the
address and how to get there.
God marvellous!" Isn't the Christian life a real adventure?"
"Of course it is!" "Doesn't the Lord Jesus care so
much for us?"
So, up
we drove to the address we were given and the next minute, Trixie
was talking to the guy's mother and when he appeared, himself,
she handed him his special cap, with a smile and a big hug!
to CAP - IT - ALL .........................IS'NT GOD GOOD?
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