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This is the home page for Linda's Crocheting with Thread Club

If you would like to join our club come on over to at Yahoo!

We now have meetings at
8:00 A.M. on Saturday Mornings
9:00 P.M. on Tuesday Evenings
and will add more if anyone is interested.
(These are Eastern Time)

Linda (aka doilielady) has had some of her designs published in Annie's Attic and has some more patterns coming out in a Leisure Arts Leaflet.

If you are in one of our exchanges you can check the progress here.

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Happy Hookers have passed this way.

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Check out our brand new forum!

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Graphics designed especially for Linda's Crocheting with Thread
by Sunshine Graphics.

Please do not use without permission

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site is owned by 
Bev & Linda.
Click here to join the
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