some of the funny things he says every day.

"I'm serious! I'm serious!"
During a thunderstorm..."I'm scared of the
tomatoes!"-Meaning tornadoes.
After going potty..."I'm finshed!"
After a visit from the therapist..."Mommy do you know
where Sara got her sticker? The asparagus gave it to her."
"I'm hungry, hungry, hungry!"
"After daddy told him that his Lita would babysit him because daddy was going back to work, Kody ran to mommy and said excitedly, "Daddy promised that I was going to Lita's every tomorrow except Open Door day".
While going downtown Houston one day taking mommy to
work..."Mommy, do you work in one of those castles?"
"God made everything, but not bad cd's."
"I'm thirsty!"
After listening to a sermon about standing on God's side, Kody went to the speaker and asked, "Which side is God's side, the right or the left?"
While sitting on the potty, Kody yells at Daddy, "Daddy, I think I have poison ivy!" Daddy runs over to see what he's talking about and asks Kody, "why do you think you have poison ivy?", "Because my poo poo is melted," he replied.
On our way to orientation for school, Kody tells us that we forgot his lunch box. We then tell him that he's not actually going to school we were just going for orientation, which is where he takes a tour of his classroom, meets his teacher and the principal. His eyes immediately get big as he says, "the principal?" we then tell him, "yes the principal, do you know
what a principal is?" He replies with a tremble in his voice, "yes, that where you go when you're bad."
If you would you like to hear Kody talk about God and Jesus,
click here.