My name is Ice Princess and this is the MS MonSter! His name is MiSery! He will guide you through these pages and I will be right behind him to make sure he behaves!
Thank you for stopping by!

Please help support your local MS Society! The MS Walk is taking place this Spring in nearly 700 cities nationwide! The MS Walk not only raises money for MS research and local programs, but also increases awareness of MS symptoms and the important new treatments now available.
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Canadian Multiple Sclerosis Society
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We WON! We WERE the "World's Top MS Site" for the month of October 2000! Please go to our 2nd "Awards" page to see our Award! Thank you so much to all who have voted!
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This web site was officially "launched" on Friday, October 22, 1999. This was our 1st birthday!
As you take your journey through our site, you will learn what our wonderful mailing lists are like. We have a member's page where you can see pictures of some of us, family and pets, and what we like to do. We have some great poets here. You can read some of their poems. Of course I'm not going to tell everything here. You will just have to take the journey through our web site and find out for yourself! ;-) Have fun!!
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"MSers Online Helping MSers All Around The World"
You can read how we became Onelist (now Yahoo! Groups) Of The Week in September 1999! Look in the archives for September 1999.
Note: You must be a member of MSers Online to read the archives!
Please visit the rest of our site by clicking on our "Please Enter" banner below.

I also run 2 sister lists to MSers Online.
You are welcome to join us there also!
We all need to have fun at sometime or another. Laughter is a very important outlet when we have to deal with MS everyday. Please feel free to have fun but also keep it clean! We will be glad to have you with us!
Whether you take care of young children, teenagers, middle aged people, or the elderly, a caregiver is a very important person in many people's lives. As a caregiver, you need a place to vent and to share your feelings and experiences with others who are going through the same things too. This is that place. I only have 1 rule. No foul language please! Please be kind and come on in and make new friends! You will find out that they are just like you! :-)
Do you love those beautiful blue eyed Himalayan kitties? Please join my Himalayan list!
I have created this list in memory of my 3 Himalayans that have passed on over the Rainbow Bridge. This list is for anyone who's had, has, or wants to have a beautiful blue eyed Himalayan kitty. I used to breed them but I only have 1 now. Please join us and tell us your stories and share your experiences with us.
Take a look at our Famous MSers pages! They include info on Alan Osmond, Annette Funicello, Montel Williams, David Lander (Squiggy of Laverne and Shirley show), comedian Richard Pryor and country singers, Clint Walker, Donna Fargo, and Louise Mandrell plus many others! Take a look!
Famous MSers Page 1
Famous MSers Page 2
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The 2 following guest books are our old ones.
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To find more great sites like ours, take a tour through our Web Rings! You can find them on our RINGS page! There are a few rings containing MS sites but not all of them are associated with MS.
Our Rings Page
This is a safe family site.
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Take Good Care!
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments.
Disclaimer: This site is designed as an introduction to multiple sclerosis. It is not a comprehensive guide to the disease. This information is taken from many different resources on the internet. It does not reflect my own personal opinion of MS. Individual and personal patient problems should be handled by physicians familiar with the specific clinical details relevant to the individual patient.
FDA required disclaimer: Any treatment or nutritional product mentioned on this site is not intended or claimed to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
If I have used any information, graphics, etc. that you do not wish for me to use, please contact me and I will remove it promptly.

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