Love Sent From Heaven

Picture drawn by A Special Friend Shad

God loved us enough to send his son down to earth
He planted the seed so Mary did give birth

While Jesus the Son of God was among people here
He taught of his Fathers love to people far and near

Jesus taught parables as he traveled and told of God's will
Teaching and praying and healing people as he does still

Mankind was allowed to be in the presence of God's son
It was coming to pass a phophesy that could not be undone

It was the will of God's Son Jesus to give his life for us
His death on the cross provided us with life that's what it does

At Easter and everyday we should give thanks to the one man
Jesus who died on the cross so that we may have life that was the plan

Thank you Heavenly Father for sending your son to earth then
For making it possible to go thru him to ask forgiveness of sin

Happy Easter To All

© AnAngl2Lov 3-23-99

One baby born in the darkness of time
One baby born for the good of mankind

So small, so frail, so meek was He
Who would have thought The Son of God He would be?

One baby born to laugh and play
One baby born to give us hope that day

So small, so frail, so meek was He
Who would have thought

His mission was to die on the tree?
One baby born to suffer for all

One baby born to die was His call
So small, so frail, so meek was He

Who would have thought he held the Key
That opens Life's Gate to Victory?

One baby born in the darkness of time
One baby born for the good of mankind

So small, so frail, so meek was He
A gift of Love for you and me

By Brenda Bergen

*The Old Rugged Cross* midi

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