Birth Announcement For My Son

God sent us an angel
We'd like you to know;
We carry our angel wherever we go

Our lives have been richened, our memories blessed,
God looked at his babies and sent us his best

We've grown with our baby,
Matured, and we've cried,
And as each day passes a little pain dies

And now in our memories
Shine eyes light with love,
Sweet gift of God, sent to us with love

Dark hair like his mommy,
Good looks like his dad;
Thank God for the moments with him that we've had

I'll see him in heaven, I'll hold him one day,
In arms that are longing to hold him today

God help me! I need him,
I miss him so much

I wanted to feel him, his mouth to my breast;
His fingers around mine, his head on my chest

Lord help me! I need you,
It hurts and it stabs me,
How long will it stay?

Only forever and one small day,
Only forever and one small day

God help me my heart is dying today

This is the waiting room.
This is where I hope, I cry,
I live, I die;
A little at a time.

Only a moment in the scheme of things.
A fraction of life.
An eternity.

Stay With Me

Sweet dreams sweet son
Wake for me tomorrow.
Don't leave, stay awhile,
I couldn't bear the sorrow.

The light and love that shines above,
Don't let it call too loudly.
For I am here, I need you near,
I look on you so proudly.

Hold my finger tightly dear,
Suckle my breast while I hold you here.
Take my strength and will to live,
For that and love is all I can give.

Whimper softly in sleep tonight,
So I will know things are right,
And I will see you smile once more
Far from heaven's shining

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