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Hello ,I am Littlebear6
I am six years old, and live in west Tenn. I go to school everyday, and i like it pretty well. My Mother is working on my homepage to make it look great!!
So please come back to see what my mother will be adding to my new home on the web.
Here about one year or so ago we met some great people on the web. They have a great website you can visit them on my links page. Their website is call, Deer With Horns. Everytime we visit the website i feel at home.
Now I like things to do with disney, and i enjoy going places with my Daddy. My mother and father do check out my guestbook and email to make sure of no bad people leaving bad things in them before i see my guestbook & email!!!So please be nice I am a 6 year old . My mommy with be adding more about us as time goes by.
Some of you do know me as Boobaby5. My mother done away with our Homepages That we had before. it got to where she did not have much time to work on them now my new name on the web is Littlebear6
I found this peom on the web, and i have forgot where i found it. If anyone who see this, and know where it came from please email me the link. or if it belongs to you and if you wish for me to take it off our webpage i will do so.
This is where i am getting, some of my backgrounds & Lines. Check them out.
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