What to Expect....
How many times have you left a religious meeting feeling like you weren't helped? The atmosphere was stuffy, and you really didn't feel part of the experience. You went to learn more about God, but left feeling confused, guilty and intimidated. Well, good news. That's not all there is to serving God. At the Columbiana church of Christ we want you to feel comfortable. We see the church as a family and love to get together.
One of the first things you will notice is our "a cappella" singing. We sing without the accompaniment of instrumental music. It is truly uplifting to sing songs of praise to God. No matter what kind of voice you have, it sounds wonderful to God.
You will notice that we pray several times during our assemblies. We believe in prayer and the impact it has on our lives. We also have prayer times for specific needs and prayer requests.
Lord's Supper....
Each Sunday we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ by taking communion. Our communion is open to all those that have obeyed the Gospel. Communion consists of two parts; Plates containing "unleavened bread" will be passed throughout the congregation. The bread symbolizes the body of Jesus. Trays containing the "fruit of the vine" represents the blood of Christ. It is a personal decision to partake of the Lord's supper.
Each Sunday we give all Christians the chance to give as they have been prospered. This financial offering is used to maintain the church building and fund church projects.
You will find the lessons taught each week to be centered on Jesus Christ. We seek to know Him and be more like Him. We do that by using the Bible, the word of God. Each lesson has been designed to help you with your daily walk.
At the end of the lesson, the minister will "offer an invitation." This is a simple way to invite anyone to request prayers or make a commitment. Some may want to place membership or identify themselves with the congregation. Some may confess sins and ask for prayers. Some may respond. Sometimes no one will respond. If anyone is baptized for the remission of sins, it will be by immersion in the "baptistry" (special water tank) at the front of the building. This will usually take place during the service.
Why Should Anyone Consider the Columbiana church of Christ.....
If you haven't heard the message of Jesus Christ, then please give us the opportunity to share it with you. We come together because we all know that we need the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. You will find a group of people that love Jesus Christ. You'll find a group of people that know that we are sinners that must look to the Bible for our answers and to Jesus Christ for our salvation.
Main Page
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Our Elders and Deacons

Our missions

What we stand for

Statements from our members

Our Ladies

Servant Advisor Ministry