Our Ladies....
God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God's many kinds of blessings.
I Peter 4:10
The Columbiana church of Christ offers many opportunities for women to serve. Central to the women's work is a group called WINGS (Women IN God's Service) which meets one evening monthly and fills the spiritual and physical needs in the community as well as our local church family and the mission field.
Areas the group has worked in include:
  • Sending supplies to missionaries/African Christian Hospital
  • Filling the needs of various children's homes/supplying Christmas gifts
  • Gathering and donating needed supplies to SAVE (a local women's shelter) and Ronald McDonald House
  • Visiting and supplying favors to a local nursing home and elderly shut-ins
  • Making and supplying stuffed toy bears to an area hospital for their children's unit
  • Sending care packages to our college students during finals
  • Furnishing school supplies for children in our community
  • Supporting the Children of Chernobyl Program
  • Decorating bulletin boards and organizing teaching supplies in classrooms
Other activities include:
  • A monthly women's tea held Sunday afternoon with different women hosting
  • Secret Sisters where women remember a sister for one year with special gifts, etc.
  • A women's retreat held each fall at a bed and breakfast
  • Several Ladies' Days
  • Different Ladies' bible classes held throughout the year
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