Welcome to our Guestbook! The Columbiana Church of Christ appreciates your stopping by!!

Josh Jones - 09/04/00 04:02:23
My Email:PostmanCol@aol.com

Would you like to hear something funny? I attend the Columbiana church of Christ. The one in Columbiana, Alabama that is. I found this very interesting. But what is even better is the similarites between our churches. Both began in tha early/mid 70's(our with about 30 members) we have about 130 members and our youth group has about 20 kids. Anyway, I just thought I would tell you how great the page is. God Bless you all.

Anita Hogan - 08/19/00 14:32:31
My Email:ahogan@onemain.com

Very nicely done Julie. I enjoyed your page very much. You can view family at http://mhogan.50megs.com. Our family photo is on the second page of it. Don't we enjoy sisters online????????? Have a great day....

Trent Megill - 03/29/00 02:56:00
My URL:http://www.bellshoalscoc.org
My Email:shutterbug92648@aol.com

I am visitor 1194. My brother-in-law and his family are originally from Youngstown, and Jessica Timmins introduced me to this page. I hope to visit there sometime soon.

Sara Cunning - 12/10/99 00:32:08
My Email:smariec@hotmail.com


Wava Timmins - 09/09/99 22:47:47

Just surfed on from Amy and Tracy's. Enjoyed looking at our web page. Keep up the good work Julie.

Randy Cole Sims, Sr. - 07/28/99 03:44:27
My URL:http://surf.to/baldwinchurchofchrist
My Email:rcsimssr@aol.com

Nice site. Check ours out when you have opportunity.

Brenda Coffell - 06/23/99 16:28:30
My Email:bcoffell@juno.com

Way to go Web master... I was visitor 747 so you are drawing in folks to look...wish I could hear more of the firemen.. good site! Alabama Brenda Coffell

J. D. McFadden - 06/12/99 14:28:48
My Email:jdavidmc@juno.com

My father was from Columbiana and my grandparents are buried in the Columbiana cemetery. I had to come to Texas to learn of the Church of Christ. It is great to know that there is a congregation in Columbiana. If I ever get back there for a visit, I wi l worship with you.

J. D. Mc - 06/12/99 14:25:30


Mike Jones - 06/01/99 23:07:41
My URL:http://www.alaweb.com/~cdrgrove
My Email:cdrgrove@alaweb.com

Nice site!

Roberta L. Sharpe - 05/31/99 03:07:12
My Email:rl_sharpe@cwix.com

Praise God for such a beautiful and informative page. My parents live in Finley, Ohio. Are You anywhere near them ? I would love for You to be able to reach out to them with the Gospel.please let me know of the possibility of this happening. i attend the ong Island Church of Christ in New York.

Roberta L. Sharpe - 05/31/99 03:06:47
My Email:rl_sharpe@cwix.com

Praise God for such a beautiful and informative page. My parents live in Finley, Ohio. Are You anywhere near them ? I would love for You to be able to reach out to them with the Gospel.please let me know of the possibility of this happening. i attend the ong Island Church of Christ in New York.

Tie Bowle - 05/28/99 22:20:53


Dot Ketchum - 05/27/99 21:14:38
My Email:MLP93@aol.com

Julie, you have done an excellent job. Dot

Bev Rainwater - 05/27/99 19:55:02
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members5/bevsbabblings
My Email:SissyBev@aol.com

Was invited to view this page by Jlynnlewis who is on my SistersOnline Mailing List, a group of Church of Christ ladies who enjoy studying and encouraging one another. Looks good so far. WithWingsAsEagles, Sissy Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; and they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

Mary Louise Potts - 05/25/99 14:24:01
My Email:mpotts@ovis.net

Two very pleasant things happened when I opened my e mail this morning. I received a message from our nephew, Tom Derby and he sent the Columbiana Church of Christ web address to me. I thank God for the young who are pressing onward with the word. Thanks!

Dawn Happe - 05/08/99 01:44:12
My URL:http://www.praiseGod.org
My Email:happe@ix.netcom.com

Very informative site! Great job cousin! Visit First Colony Church of Christ site and see what God is doing in Sugar Land, Texas!

Arik - 05/01/99 23:50:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az/churchofchrist
My Email:Arik24@earthling.net

I like the site! Come see mine The Traverse City Church of Christ!

OVC Express - 04/28/99 00:49:52
My URL:http://www.ovc.edu
My Email:ovcexpress@juno.com

It is nice to see all of the good things that God is doing at the Church in Columbiana. We can't wait to visit you again. God bless you all and be sure to visit the Ohio Valley College web site.

Robert P. Mason, Jr. - 04/26/99 13:42:41
My Email:Bob.Mason@ericsson.com

Good job on the site!

amy - 04/20/99 00:54:26
My Email:saphire215@aol.com

columbiana coc is filled with many christians whose hearts are filled with gods love. i have met many new friends at this church. the youth group is growing each year. i love columbiana coc! amy

PhyllisGreen & Melanie Taylor - 04/13/99 02:55:18
My Email:mjt222@yahoo.com

We loved your web page. It is very well done.We will be back,You seewe have family that goes there,The Derby's. Glad to see their smiling faces,even though we live so far away.god Bless You.

Renee Bender - 04/12/99 22:40:12
My Email:renee3@raex.com

Beautiful page!!!!

Leasa Beachley - 04/12/99 03:08:45
My Email:LBeachley@aol.com

You did a great job, Julie!! Very informative, nice links. Thank you.

Charlie & Lois Gamble - 04/11/99 20:10:15
My Email:cgamble@coolsky.com

Hello to the brethren at Columbiana. Lois and I now live in Huntington, Indiana. We attend the South Broadway church of Christ. Pray that all is well with you. Our snail mail address is PO Box 5024, Huntington, IN 46750. May God Bless you all. ..................charlie and lois

Marge Mason - 04/11/99 17:47:55
My Email:Marj4685@aol.com


Kris Frankhouser - 04/11/99 09:55:39
My Email:Krisfmkc@aol.com

Thank you Julie for doing a great job on this web page....it is one of the most informative and easy to use pages I have ever seen....and that is important for computer chalenged people like me :)

Dick Mason - 04/11/99 01:54:39
My Email:SAM4COC@aol.com

The comments of Mordecia to Queen Ester come to mind as I thought about how much you've contributed by making this page....surely God has put you in this place for a time like this. Thank you for taking on this project for Him and doing it so well. Our ongregation is well represented because of your effort..Thanks.

Jan McDevitt - 04/10/99 18:51:04

Nice Page! Good links.Thanks.

Kathy Kimpel - 04/10/99 05:00:10

Nice going, Julie! Mom2 is proud of you once again.

Angie Mong - 04/09/99 23:29:52
My Email:asmong@alltel.net

The page looks great! It's so nice to see "home" and hear about all of my friends in Columbiana. What a great effort to let others know of the work and people in the congregation. Keep up the great work! Miss all of you!

Renee Lewis - 04/09/99 22:13:17
My Email:Renee623@aol.com

This is an awesome site for our church. I especially like the youth page. Nice job mom!!

Matthew Durham - 04/08/99 22:55:48

I like this site.... I also encourage everyone to look through the links provided.

TOM DERBY - 04/08/99 02:13:16
My Email:castman46@hotmail.com

Julie; Very impressive!! It's obvious that you have spent your spring break developing this web site for us. We are very blessed to have your talents.

Mike Jones - 04/07/99 23:39:27
My URL:http://www.alaweb.com/~cdrgrove
My Email:cdrgrove@alaweb.com

Nice site!

Tracy & Amy Timmins - 04/07/99 17:27:07
My Email:TTimmins@Compuserve.com

Hi Julie, Very nice.. eye catching colors. Keep up the good work.

Carolyn Flowers - 04/07/99 04:25:01
My Email:ProDraft@aol.com

Very nice home page. I enjoyed visiting

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