White House

Purple HeartSniper's Vietnam Vets PageVietnam Service Medal

US Army's Home Page

The 11th Inf. Brg.
The 11th Inf. Brg.
The E-Troop 1/1 Cav.
E-Troop 1/1 Cav.
The 23rd Inf. Div.
The 23rd Inf. Div.

Armor Recon
Armor Reconnaissance
E-Trop 1st Cav. 23rd Inf.Div.

Doc's Military graphics

"Welcome to Thomas A Devine's(sniper) Vietnams Web page.I servied with E-trop 1st Cav.11Brg.23rd Inf Div. 2nd Plt 1970-1971.I was on two tracks.#1 APC (Tracks of My Tears).#2 Sheridon (Hazel).This page is dedicated to E-Trp,My friends, and my Father who serived this country.

Doc's Military graphics

*****This is Sniper's Duty Roster*****
These pictures are of family & friends of mine who servied in Desert Storm,Vietnam,Korea,and WWII

Tom Devine(sniperusa)
Thomas Devine
E-Trop 1st Cav.1970-1971
US Army
Bruce Puckett
Bruce Puckett
E-Trop 1st Cav.1970-1971
US Army

Don Miller
Don Miller
E-Troop,1st Cav.1970-1971
US Army
Rodger Horbor
Rodger Horbor
E-Trop 1st Cav.1970
US Army

Don MacMillan(Gunny)
Don MacMillan
US Marine Corp.1965-1966
US Marines

L co.3/5 Marines
Tom Thompson L co. 3/5 Marines
Barton,Dumont,Stewart,and Duvall
Vietnam 1966-1967
US Marines
Richard Mullins
Richard Mullins
US Marines Korea 1951-1954
US Marines

Richard Mullins
Richard Mullins

Ron Devine
Ron Devine
US Airforce.1976-1996
US Airforce

Thomas Devine Sr.
Thomas Devine Sr
Thomas Devine Sr.
US Navy WWII 1941-1945
US Navy

Go To Navy Site
Hit here for my father's dedication

Andy Art

Basic/AIT Training
Basic & AIT Training Fort Knox Ky.1969

Vietnam Duty
Vietnam Tour of duty 1970-1971 page 1

Vietnam Duty 2new
Vietnam Tour of duty page 2

In Memory
In Memory Of Harold H. Baisch 1999.Terry Hammond,Harold Hunter,Ed Ball,and Bob Weisser.1970

National Guard Shooting
National Guard Sniper Shooting Team (Sgt.Thomas Devine Director)1990-1997

23rd Infintry Div.(Americal)
23rd Infintry Div.(Americal) Association

Jimmie Simmon's Web Page
Jimmie Simmons's Web Site (E-Troop 1/1 Cav 1966-1967

Gunny's Front Door
Gunny's Front Door Don MacMillan

Doc's Military graphics

Friends gone but not forgotten
E-Trop 1st Cav. 23rd Inf.Div.

Doc's Military graphics

You didn't
Remember those
who have fallen
Send it to a Vet.
Women's Memorial
Washington DC

To Visit the DAV.Hit hereD.A.V.
Post #3 Flint,MI.

To E-Mail the DAV.Click hereE-Mail The DAV

Doc's Military Gifs

Doc's Military Gifs

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