Welcome to Sniper's New Hobbies page. Well it has been
just about 2 years since I started this page.Since then,I have bought
a new house with a very large basement. A model railroaders dream,
and yes I am building that new layout. I will be showing pictures as
I go along.Right now I am working on a wall mounted layout. A small
layout for a small location. I found this type of layout in "Easy
Lionel Layouts You Can Build."Put out by Kalmbach Books.It is a very
simple layout with a small space in mind.We modifided it somewhat.
Instead of 32" wide,we went 48".The height stayed 36".
The first picture shows it as they built it in the book.

As you can see.This layout can be mounted on the wall or
layout on the floor.
After we made our size changes,we also added a siding and a over head
trolly. These changes can also be found in the book. There are many
nice layouts to choose from.

The rest of my layouts that I am working on are,a Standard Gage, and
a "G" scale. The "G" scale I have going around the top of my ceiling
in my work room,and the Standard gage I have on a 4'x 8' table. Surprizingly,
this size works well for this scale. the rest of my pictures are of my work
room and train room. The large "O" gage has yet to be started. It is nice
to be retired.My Hobbies page is still under construction. So bare the mess.
These pictures show my Train room.
 My work room
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 My Train room
These are pictures of just a few things that Lionel has made.
 Airex Fishing Reels
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 Airex Fishing Rods
 Airex Fishing Lures
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 568 Navy Compass
 Linex Camera Viewer
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 Lionel Record Player
 Military Field Phones
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 Lionel Stove
 Telegraph Keys
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 Telegraph Keys
 National Model Railroaders Assoc.

Here are some Web pages to visit.If you like trains as I do,you will enjoy the trip.
 Riders Hobby Shop Of Flint, MI.
 Kalmbach Publishing Co.
 Model Railroader Magazine
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Your Webmaster is
Thomas A. Devine
E-Mail Me
Last Updated:02/23/01
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