Welcome to the Devine's site

Sniper's family
Sniper's Home Page
by Thomas Devine
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Hi from Tom,Donna,and Jenny: Meet the women in my life.Donna and I were married July 19,1985. My wife and I were born and raised in Flint, Michigan.

I servied in Vietnam from 1970-1971. My hobbies are Electric Trains, Hunting,and enjoying the Outdoors. My wife's hobbies are Singing and enjoying Outdoor Sports.Jenny

My daughter the apple of my eye,is in college taking up Business Manegement In Alabama.She intends to go into Marketing.

In case you had not noticed, I like Gifs and Icons.
Most of these (But Not All) came from the Icon Bazaar (Take the Train):

This is the Train

Andy Art

My Family
This is my Whole Family
My Sister & Brother
This is Ron,Barb,and Me
We are not always like this

Hunter Saftey Instructor
DNR Hunter Safety Instructor

Andy Art

Click for Flint, Michigan Forecast

Andy Art

My Daughter Graduating
My Daughter Graduating

This is the Lights

Guest Book

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If you have someone special and you would like to send them something.
Try this Icon. This goes to Blue Mountain, send them a card
Blue Moutain cards

This is the Lights

Hobbies Vietnam Vets Web Rings&Links Music Health Front Door

Awards Page

E-mail me at sniperus@tir.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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The Fine Print ( see "disclaimer" in the Dictionary )
This Site is environmentally friendly, MOST of the graphic's came from the Web.
I have tried to give credit where appropriate.
Feel free to use anything from my site.
But please extend the same courtesy. { Burp sorry ;o) }
If I missed you, or infringed on your Copyright, Please e-mail me. I will make it right.
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Thomas A. Devine
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Page Revised 5/01/01