Welcome to my Guestbook!

Sheri - 04/24/00 14:13:13

Hi there...I'm really bored this morning...got plenty of things I could be doing..just don't seem to be able to find the ambition.....

Rebecca - 10/27/99 21:52:26
My Email:becksta@fcgnetworks.net

Hey! Cool page !!!

Daniel D. Wisemer - 10/11/99 19:40:11
My Email:wise472@aol.com

This is the best web site I have had since I started on this computer a year ago. Everyone I have sent this to really likes it. I really love the miusic and the train whistle when I put it on.My mother-in-law who is 97 gets a big kick out of the whistle:) ) Whish there was more music to all the train pictures but it is great without:):)My wife wanted me to ask what you meant by disabled???? Thank you so much for the web page:):) You should be very proud of what you have done.

Bit-O-Luck Kennels - 04/25/99 02:58:00
My Email:bitoluck2u@aol.com

This is wonderful. Can't wait for the family to visit this site. We're all dog and railroaders. My dad was Yardmaster at the CB&Q yards in Havelock, Nebraska. CB&Q has had it's name changed a few times through the years - Presently it is Burlington Northern & Santa Fe. Luckily for Havelock, the yards and the shops are still up and running. My bro her, my son and grandson are into model railroading - all different scales. They will be impressed with this.

Lisa - 04/11/99 22:38:24
My URL:/Petsburgh/2324
My Email:jumpstart@cableregina.com

Cool Site!

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