This is what I have learned from
Let's Learn HTML
which was written by Oisin Prendiville.
You can learn the html code used for everything on the page by clicking on 'View' and then 'Source'(above).
What I learned from....
- Lesson 1
- start and end HTML tags
- head tag
- meta tag
- title tag
- body tag
- margins
- hidden text
- Lesson 2
- blockquote
- background colour or image
- all attributes of the body tag
- basefont and font tags
- paragraphs and line breaks
- physical formatting
- preformatted text
- Lesson 3
- inserting images
- aligning text with images
- all attributes of the img tag
- Lesson 4
- ordered lists
- unordered lists
- definition lists
- all attributes of these lists
- lists within lists
- personalising your lists using your own bullet
Lesson 5
- creating tables
- all attributes of the tags in a table
- inserting tables within tables
- inserting other HTML items within tables
- using the pre tag instead of a table
Here is what I learned from lesson 1.
I know the very basics of writing HTML. I know that the start and end HTML tags are necessary in a HTML document. I know that the meta tag is used to give information to search engines, i.e. keywords and description. I am able to assign a title to my documents (see taskbar above). I know that all text and images etc. are to be included between the start and end body tags. I know two attributes of the start body tag, topmargin and leftmargin and I know that each of these is measured in pixels. I know how to insert hidden text in a HTML document for example there is hidden
text in between the words hidden and text in this sentence.
this text is bold
this text is underlined
this text is in italics
this text is small
this text is large
this text is subscript
this text is superscript
this text is strike-through
this text is tele-type
this text is bold italic
this text is underlined and bold
this text is strike-through and superscript
this text is bold now, underlined now, bold and underlined now, bold now
this text is subscript now, bold and underlined and subscript now, bold and underlined now, bold now
this text is above the first horizontal line
this text is between the first and second horizontal lines
this text is between the second and third horizontal lines
this text is after the third horizontal line
Here is what I learned from Lesson 2
Most of what I learned in lesson two was about changing the look of my webpage. I have already made some changes to this page and I will tell you what they are in an indented paragraph.
As you can see I have added a background colour to the page and if I want I know how to add a tiled image. I have set all of the attributes in the body tag, most of them concern the colour of different text. I have added paragraphs and line breaks to the text. I have set the basefont tag and
know how to use the font tag .
I have added horizontal lines and I have added headings. I have also added paragraphs and line breaks.
I am able to
use preformatted text to make
it appear in the order
I want it to
I can format my text so as it is
in italics
Here is what I learned from lesson 3.
This lesson was based on one chapter and the central topic was inserting images in HTML documents.
I have already inserted .gif files on my page and now I will now show you some other things I know how to
do with images.
This text is beside a left-aligned image and will wrap when it gets to the bottom. This text is beside a left-aligned image and will wrap when it gets to the bottom. This text is beside a left-aligned image and will wrap when it gets to the bottom. This text is beside a left-aligned image and will wrap when it gets to the bottom. This text is beside a left-aligned image and will wrap when it gets to the bottom. This text is beside a left aligned image and will wrap when it gets to the bottom. This text is beside a left aligned image and will wrap when it gets to the bottom.
This is only one line of text and appears center aligned 
I know how to resize images using the width and height attributes. e.g.
I understand all the attributes of the img tag and they have all been used for the images above.
Here is what I learned from lesson 4
This lesson was again based solely on one chapter. The Chapter concerned lists. I learned about ordered or numbered lists, unordered or bulleted lists and definition lists. I learned the different attributes of each of these, the main one being type. I learned how to insert lists within lists. I also learned about extra indentation and personalising unordered lists.
I have now added a list of contents at the top of this page and when I learn more advanced things about HTML this list will appear in a different frame and will contain links to the different sections.
This is what I have learned from lesson 5
Lesson 5 was all about inserting tables in my HTML document. I learned that they can be used both for presenting information and as a layout tool.
They can be used as a layout tool because it is now possible to include other HTML elements in them such as lists and images.
I am now familiar with all of the attributes of the tags in a table. They include such things as border thickness and colour, background colour or tiled images and text alignment.
You will see at the top of the page that I have added a tiled image to the side of the menu. To do this I created a table with one row and two cells. In the first I simply specified the image background and width and I placed the menu within the start and end tags of the second cell.
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