Hi, this is Kelly Roberson and I just want to say thanks for stopping by. This page contains data on my family genealogy links throughout the United States but focuses mainly on Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia. There will be information on these pages on over 8,600 individuals from many different branches of my family. If you have anything to add to any of these pages, as well as any corrections please contact me at the address listed below. I currently could use assistance on the Webb branch of Ware and Pierce County Georgia and would appreciate any help or leads! Please remember to list your source!
NOTE: In addition to the surnames below, you can also find information on the following families within these pages:

Ammons, Baggs, Bradford, Bullard, Cartee, Crews, David, Davis, Easters, Goff, Gray, Hall, Hopkins (of the Mayflower), House, Hunter, Jones, Kelly, Mathis, Price, Register,