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This is NOT a Child Custody Issue! This is an Issue of Child Abuse and Child Molestation |
Save My Children! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Please, take a moment to read this, a child is being sexually molested and you won't believe the runaround the various agencies are giving me. This is a crusade to save my children. I have 3 children, ages 5 years, 7 years and 9 years old. And they are being horribly abused. I am powerless to save them. In early July, 1998, my 7 year old daughter told me that she was being molested. I did what I thought was the right thing and reported it to Child Protection in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. No action was ever taken. I made numerous calls to Child Protection trying to get action on this case. Eight months later I learned that because I removed my children from the situation, it had been determined that I had acted appropriately. Thus, the children were no longer in danger so the report was deemed a "non-report" and was purged from the agency's system within 30 days. I had told the social worker that there were two children living in the home, but they refused to discuss that. They were only concerned with my children. I have had custody of my children since my divorce in 1996, but there is a restraining order preventing the children from being removed from the parish. When my new husband and I decided to move out of the state in November 1998, we met with my ex husband and drafted an agreement for us to move out of state with the children. We made our arrangements, sold our home, my husband quit his job and we moved 2000 miles away. The agreement was that my ex husband, or rather his parents, would keep the children until January 1999. At that time we would either meet or he would bring the children to us. We left, trusting that his word was good. We could have never been more wrong. A couple of days before we were to sign the final documentation, my ex husband changed his mind. We were devastated. All along, my husband and I had informed my ex husband and his parents of our daughter's sexual abuse. My daughter even told my ex about it. It was understood that he was not to take her or any of the children to visit her abuser. My husband and I began a life in our new home. We got good jobs, a nice home. We fixed up rooms for each child, knowing that once we got to court and had the retraining order lifted that they would be back with us. We missed the children terribly, but we knew that they were being taken care of and were not being exposed to my daughter's abuser. Again we were very, very wrong. In March, 1999, we went to court in Baton Rouge to have the order lifted. Our judge had suffered a heart attack and the judge who was filling in refused to hear our case. All the judge would do was order that we pick up the children in June 1999, when the children got out of school. We were devastated, but glad that we would at least get the children in June. We got to visit with the children before we made the long trek back home. During that visit, my daughter told me that she and her brothers were still going over to the abuser's house, unsupervised, even spending the night! We reported this to the Baton Rouge Police Department and they referred us to East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Department. We had to leave town before we were able to make the report with the Sheriff's Department, but resolved to follow-up once we were home. I contacted my attorney, My ex husband apparently decided that I did not have to talk to my children my customary three times a week. I contacted a woman with a state agency and she made a report on my behalf to Child Protection. Once I was finally able to contact my children. My oldest son told me that they were going the abuser's home for a few days. As soon as I hung up I called Child Protection in Baton Rouge. The worker I spoke with told me that when the office opened on Monday she would take a look at the report. Apparently it is only illegal to molest children if it occurs during business hours. This was a Saturday. The following Monday, a worker from Child Protective Services in Baton Rouge contacted me. She asked me questions about my case and said it would be investigated. I told her that I was pretty sure that the children were over at the abuser's house. All she would say was that I would have to wait until it was assigned to a worker and she could investigate it. By law they have to begin the investigation within 3 days. A lot can happen in 3 days. I also contacted the DA's office, Sex Crimes Division and was told to contact the Sheriff's Department. The Sheriff's Department told me to contact Child Protection and file a report. If there was abuse found, then the Sheriff's Department would be involved and they would begin criminal proceedings. My worker with Child Protection in Baton Rouge, Louisiana will not return my phone calls. There are all these laws protecting the abuser, but what about the child? the victim? While they are busy protecting the abuser and cover their own backsides, this child is living in her own private hell. She is enduring the most damaging type of abuse. With each passing moment she loses a little part of herself in a place that you probably wouldn't even notice unless you knew to look there. It is in that place in her where she learns to love herself, believe in herself, the place that will one day allow her to trust her husband and others close to her, the place that allows her to get close to people and have friendships, the place that holds her spirit and her fire. I know, I've walked through that hell myself. For God's sake, she is only 7 years old! They are only children! They are just innocent little children! Please, I promised my children that I would protect them and now I am breaking my promise. I am 2000 miles away and helpless. I seem to be getting the runaround by the governmental agencies designed to protect my children, to help me. These children have no voice, they depend on the people who love them to be their voice and fight for them and insure their safety. Please, be an extension of me. If you can offer any advice or help, I am greatful. Please, help me keep my babies safe. By the way, the molester is my father. |
Update: 04/05/99 I received a letter today from the Office of Community Services in Baton Rouge. It seems my case has been passed on yet again. Now, my "concerns" have been "forwarded to the Jefferson Regional Office of Community Services which exercises supervision over our agency's activities in Jefferson Parish..." "...Someone from the administrative staff of Jefferson Region to evaluate your concerns and determine if further action is necessary." Oh, well, I guess it's a start. Batten down the hatches! The fire is hotter! It's time to fight a little harder! |
Update: 04/09/99 My daughter has been interviewed by Child Protection, but she would not tell what happened to her. I know that this is common of victims of sexual abuse, but now CPS is ready to drop everything. I know in my heart what happened to her, I understand her fear and apprehension. I believe what she told me and I ache to protect her. But now CPS is treating this as "case closed." I haven't been beaten yet. I am still fighting. |
You Can Help! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You can help. Please, write these people and let them know that child abuse will not be tolerated! Pass this site to everyone! It is our tax dollars that are paying these peoples' wages we deserve better service than what they are giving us. We pay them to protect our children! Do you think they are doing an adequate job? Thank you for your support, Stephanie Homme on behalf of Micah Brice |
Louisiana Office of Social Services Department of Child Protection East Baton Rouge Parish 1913 North St. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802 |
M.J. "Mike" Foster Louisiana Office of the Governor P.O. Box 94004 Baton Rouge, LA 70804 |
Shirley Goodwin Asst. Secretary Office of Community Services Department of Social Services P.O. Box 3776 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 |
Mayor-President Tom Ed McHugh Governmental Building Baton Rouge, LA 70801 |
Representative F. Charles "Chuck" McMains 2325 Weymouth Drive Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809 larep069@iamerica.net | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ICQ me 34909166 |
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Please email me.I welcome any advice and/or encouragement and/or help. I especially welcome your prayers. Save.My.Children@usa.net |
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