A little History of my Family
and some Photo's from the area.
My father, Douglas, was born in 1933 in a small farm house just 2.5 miles from where I grew up. 
He has lived in this area all of his life.

He has owns and operates an auto repair shop since 1971.  He did this as a side job for many years while also working for General Electric Company.  He worked for G.E. for 32 years and recently retired in 1995.

He has had many accomplishments in his lifetime.  He's an excellent machanic, and carpenter, and he really enjoys his wood working.

My father also has other talents that not to many people know about.  He plays harmonica, but never had a lesson.  It's not to often we can convince him to just sit and play for us, but on occassion he will. 
This is something he did all the time while we were kids.
Anyone who knows my father KNOWS his ability to tell a good story.  He knows just how to capture anyones attention, and man he can immitate just about anyone.

He's a man with a great sence of humor, and very comical at times.
I just love this man to death. 
My Dad !!!
My mother, Marcia, was born in Long Island, New York in 1938.   She has many talents also.  She is an excellent seemstress and a great cook.  If you ask me she definatly qualifies for the term "Miss Fix It"  :) 
I guess you could call her a "mother of all inventions".

She came from a large family of Norwegian background, and was the oldest of 7.
She moved here to this area from Long Island at the age of 5.  My mother has always cooked for us some of the Norwegian foods, and desserts for the holidays.
Which we have learned to cook also.

In our family we love a food called Kompe.  It's maybe nothing special to any of you and most of you probably don't even know what it is, but we enjoy it very much. 
It's not that often that we get to have it so we look forward to the times when we do.
As I have said before,  I am the youngest of 4 girls.
My 3 older sisters names are:
Cyndee - Born 1958
Sandi - Born 1960
Laurie - Born 1968
and then there is me - 1971

My parents have 9 beautiful grandchildren in all, ranging from the ages of 19 right down to the age of 6.
Stephenee Renee - 1983 Paul Charles - 1986
Amanda Lynn - 1988
Danielle Nichole - 1991
Leif Odin - 1993
Jeffery Douglas - 1993
Douglas Preston - 1995
Nissa Hailey - 1994
Sverre Olaf - 1996
Some photo's from the area
where I'm from and where I grew up.