Church School, 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship, 11.00 a.m.
(Wednesday), 7:00 p.m.
Ministry - Sunday, 9:00 a.m. on WTBZ 95.9FM; Tuesday, 12:20 p.m. on WTBZ
Fairmont Baptist Association
West Virginia Baptist Convention
American Baptist Churches, USA
American Baptist Men's Ministries-1st Thursday of each month, 7 p.m.
Children's Message, Children's Church, Nursery-each Sunday
Baptist Youth Ministries-2nd and 4th Sunday, 6 p.m.
Projects of the Church
On November 7, 1840 a group of consecrated people assembled together to unite and organize the Baptist Church originally called Harmony Church. The officiators were A.J. Garrett, Wm. Davidson and Jo Bradley. United by letter were Jesse Nixon, Ruth Nixon, Rachel Sparks, Eleanor Nixon, Jobe Springer, Phebe Springer and on November 8, 1840 Hiram Thompson and Sarah Thompson were united by baptism. The name of the church was changed to the Boothsville Baptist Church on July 10, 1858. No exact date of the construction of the present building is known. After reading the minutes of the church records it is this writer's opinion that the present building was built in the early 1860's. The first Sunday School was May 3, 1868. The church celebrated the 150 year founding on August 5, 1990.
Over the years many improvements have been made. A basement was added in 1950. In 1962, grounds were purchased and a parsonage was completed in 1968. In 1981 the sanctuary was remodeled with new paneling, seats and carpet. In 1983, additional grounds were purchased and the building and grounds now cover nearly a city block. In 1988 the parking lot was paved. IN May 1992 a vestibule and pastor's office were completed and dedicated. New carpet was purchased for the sanctuary the same year. In 1993-94 an addition was built on the back of the church which included a baptistery and three new classrooms. The first baptism was held in the church on April 17, 1994. The seats of the sanctuary have been recovered recently. The church has always had devoted leaders and members, who by faith, have made these improvement possible.
Boothsville Baptist Church has been blessed with thirty-nine pastors over the years, and it has gone from two worship services a month to a weekly worship service every Sunday. Rev. Orville G. Wright has been pastor since October 1, 1991.
II. We believe in the complete authority of the New Testament in all matters of faith and practice. That what it teaches is to be believed and obeyed; what it neither commands or teaches is not to be imposed upon the conscience as being of religious obligation.
III. We believe that there is one God, existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
IV. We believe that everyone who has come to the age of accountability is a sinner in thought, word and deed.
V. We believe that salvation is the gift of God, "not of works, lest any man should boast." That salvation is obtained by repentance from sin and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.
VI. We believe that there is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood. Jesus Christ, who died upon the cross, shedding His blood for our sin, died, and was buried, and rose again on the third day, and is not seated on the right hand of God, in the position of authority and intercession.
VII. We believe in the priesthood of all believers. That Jesus is our High Priest and our only approach to God. That He bids all to come boldly to the throne of grace.
VIII. We believe in the eternal security of believers, and that nothing can pluck them out of the hands of God. The acid test of a true believer is whether or not he receives chastisement when out of fellowship with God(Hebrews 12:6-9, John 10:28-29).
IX. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, and is true God and true man.
X. We believe that there is to be a bodily resurrection of the just and unjust; that Hell is for all those who reject Christ, and Heaven is the home of all those who accept Christ as Lord and Savior, and there will be eternal bliss with joy unspeakable.
XI. We believe that Baptism and the Lord's Supper are the only Christian Ordinances. Both are visible, and commemorate acts committed by Christ to the Chruch to depict our life and service to Him, and are to be observed. They are not essential to salvation and do not produce regeneration, but both are essential to obedience. Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water, commemorating the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ testifying that there has already been regeneration of a new creature in Christ. The Lord's Supper commemorates the suffering and death of Christ, proclaims His wonderful love, points toward His return, and exemplifies the fellowship of believers in Him.
XII. We believe in complete separation of Church and State. The church must neither ask for nor accept support from civil authority; nevertheless, each member of the church is personally responsible to help elect, support and defend the government and be willing to serve when called upon to do so. Though civil governments, rulers and magistrates are to be respected and obeyed in all temporal matters, not contrary to conscience and the Word of God, they have no right to enforce conformity, punish, dissent, or compel the support of any form of worship; but rather are bound to protect the right of any individual to believe, profess, and openly declare whatever religious opinions he may entertain, and to worship or not to worship according to the dictates of his conscience and his understanding of Holy Scriptures, provided such opinions are not contrary to the Ten Commandments, and that he does not injure or interfere with the rights of others.
XIII. We believe in the autonomy of the local church. Each local congregation is directly responsible to Christ, its only Head and Lawgiver and, therefore, is self-governing and not under the control of any person, church, body of churches or ecclesiastical authority. It should hold title to its own property, make decisions as to policy, membership, programs, expenditures of funds, have the sole authority to choose, elect, call and dismiss its own leadership, and administer its own discipline. Respecting this autonomy, it nevertheless enters into fraternal and comity relationships with other churches of like faith and order to promote fellowship, extended evangelism and, if possible, earnest support of programs decided upon by these fellowships.
Church Officers
Sunday Church School Officers
January 2 | Communion |
January 9 | Secret Pal Breakfast |
January 23 | Christian Unity Sunday |
February 21 | Focus Group Meeting at Baptist Temple, 7 p.m. |
February 27 | Church Vocations Sunday |
February (TBA) | Valentine's Day Luncheon |
March 1 | Quarterly Business Meeting |
March 4 | Spring Training Workshops at Baptist Temple, Fairmont, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. |
March 12 | First Sunday of Lent Devotion |
March 19 | Second Sunday of Lent Devotion, Christian
Heirs, 7 p.m.
Covered Dish Dinner, 5:30 p.m. |
March 26 | Third Sunday of Lent Devotion |
April 2 | Fourth Sunday of Lent Devotion
Communion |
April 9 | Fifth Sunday of Lent Devotion |
April 16 | Palm Sunday Devotion |
April (TBA) | Children's Pizza Party and Dress Rehearsal |
April 20 | Maunday Thursday
Passover |
April 21 | Good Friday |
April 23 | Easter Sunday
April 30 | Volunteer Sunday |
May 7 | Peace Sunday |
May (TBA) | Mother's Day Banquet |
May 14 | Mother's Day |
May 14-21 | Family Week |
May 19,20,21 | Revival |
May 21 | Baptist Heritage Day |
May 28 | Memorial Sunday |
June 7 | Quarterly Business Meeting |
June 4 | Promotion Sunday |
June 11 | BYM Sunday
Flag Day Sunday |
June (TBA) | Father's Day Breakfast |
June 18 | Father's Day |
June 19-23 | Vacation Bible School |
June (TBA) | VBS Program |
July 2 | Independence Sunday
Communion |
August (TBA) | Church Picnic |
September 3 | Labor Sunday |
September 6 | Quarterly Business Meeting |
September 10 | Grandparent's Day
Annual Fairmont Association Meeting |
September 17 | AB Women's Ministry Sunday |
September 24 | Christian Education Sunday |
October 1 | World Communion Sunday |
October 8 | AB Men's Sunday |
October 15 | Church Sing |
October 17-18 | WV Baptist Convention |
November 5 | Veteran's Recognition |
November (TBA) | Harvest Dinner |
November 12 | Stewardship Sunday |
November 19 | Harvest Sunday |
November 22 | Joint Service at Boothsville Baptist Church |
December 3 | First Sunday of Advent Devotion |
December 6 | Annual Business Meeting |
December 10 | Second Sunday of Advent Devotion |
December (TBA) | Church Christmas Dinner |
December (TBA) | Children's Pizza Party and Dress Rehearsal |
December 17 | Third Sunday of Advent Devotion
Christmas Program |
December 24 | Fourth Sunday of Advent Devotion
Communion |
December 31 | Watch Night Service |