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My first REAL interest in the video game world is when I played Super Mario Brothers on Christmas day.  I got to level 4-2 the first time I ever played it.  Lots of great ones here.  If I hit my allowed bandwidth just come back later and get the rest.



10 Yard Fight

Contra Goonies 2
1943 Donkey Kong 3 Megaman
720 Degrees Donkey Kong Classic Metroid
Adventure Island Double Dragon Super Mario Bros.
Altered Beast Dragon Warrior Super Mario Bros. 2
Bases Loaded Excite Bike Super Mario Bros. 3
Bubble Bobble 2 Final Fantasy Tecmo Bowl
Burger Time Friday The 13th Tennis
Captain America Golf Wizards And Warriors
Castlevania Golgo 13 Zelda
Castlevania 2 Goonies Zelda 2


Emulator Links

You'll need a good emulator to play these games!  Try one of these!

Rating System:

1 = Sucks

2 = Not Very Good

3 = Plays Most Games

4 = Really Good

5 = Awesome!!!

Nesten        4.5

FCE Ultra     4.0

Or go to for all your emulator needs!