Welcome to our Guestbook!

Claudia Q Crook - 10/08/00 22:33:35
My Email:claudiaqcrook@aol.com

I'm looking for my grandmother Virgie May Oliver, her maiden name.Last she was heard from she was in Ohio. Thanks Claudia Queen Crook

Ruth Sickles, Marcine - 09/03/00 13:05:12
My URL:http://www.erols.co,
My Email:ruthsrescue@erols.com

This is a wonderful and extremely informative site. Congradulations, a job WELL done. For over ten years I have been searching for my 4th great grandmother, Zilpha Drummond. Thank goodness, I finally found her within your site. I would love to share m re information with you. Please, email me at ruthsrescue@erols.com

John A. Owens - 04/01/00 15:19:14
My Email:juanillobolillo@altavista.com

Was looking for potential relatives under Owens, Bearden, or DeFriese but struck out. perhaps I wasn't using the site correctly.

Mattie McCarty - 03/30/00 17:53:37
My Email:MOM929@hotmail.com

This is the first time to view what you have done. It really is great. You have done a good job. Hope mine turns out half as well. Anxious to see what else you add.

Michael Oliver - 02/24/00 14:12:18
My Email:mike4011@hotmail.com

I really enjoyed your site, especially things that pertained to the OLIVER family. Could you please contact me, I would like to know how you got your information. I have never seen records that date back so far. Thanks Again.

Lady Krys - 01/15/00 05:16:35
My URL:http://www.ulink.net/~Krys53/Krys
My Email:Krys53@ulink.net

VGP Visit -- You have a wonderful site. Thank you for an enjoyable visit. Lady Krys

Lady Angela - 01/12/00 00:18:34
My Email:ajkinn@hotmail.com

Happy New Year. Your website is very lovely!

Lady Carmen - 01/05/00 17:54:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Forest/2859/
My Email:joeandcarmen@yahoo.com

I love your family tree website! It is something I have been considering doing also :) Stop by and visit me anytime, and I'll see ya in the VGP,

Lady Paula - 01/04/00 02:03:17
My URL:/Heartland/Grove/3151
My Email:grannydancer@geocities.com

Happy New Year from GrannyDancer's World! I enjoyed my visit to your pages. *hugs*

Lady Starr Lyn - 01/02/00 17:29:57
My URL:http://www.starrlyn.com/starr/
My Email:starr@starrlyn.com


Hiya DollFace.. :)

Loved my visit.. Thanks for allowing me to stay a while :)

Lady Ann - 01/02/00 04:46:10
My URL:/Heartland/Forest/6923
My Email:jarobin@bellsouth.net

Hi Lady Trulie, VGP visit. I hope your playing with us! Your fan page is lovely and your Scottish page! Clan Innes here and I thought your page was wonderful. Your whole site is very informative!

Denise W. - 12/23/99 21:36:43
My URL:http://xxoodenise.tripod.com/
My Email:Banglebabe@webtv.net

This page is coming along very nicely. I can see you've been doing a lot of work on it. Kudos to the Petersen clan!

Ann - 12/10/99 05:59:18
My Email:taskerwalker@home.com

Where are my Peterson's Petersen's??? etc.

Lady Paula - 11/24/99 03:06:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Grove/3151
My Email:grannydancer@geocities.com

Dropped by to leave a little gift~

thanxcard.jpg (17828 bytes)

steve wynn - 10/10/99 22:36:50
My Email:aswynn@htcnet.net

came here looking for Wynns

Annie - 10/08/99 15:39:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Forest/6923
My Email:jarobin@bellsouth.net

If you would like to join the VGP snail mail Christmas card list please contact me!

Trulie - 09/21/99 18:06:44


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