On this page you will find the will of Thomas Drinnon,

and the inventory of Lawrence Drinnon. Children of Walter Drinnon.

Also the will of Richard Drinnon son of Thomas Drinnon.

Will of Thomas Drinnon

Recorded in Bath County, VA

I Thomas Drinnen of Bath County do hereby make my last will and testament in manner

and form following that is to say.  1st I bequeath all the morveable part of my property

household furniture, farming utensials to my wife Christine to her use and the raising of the

family and schooling them and likewise she is to have the use of all the clear land in my

possession while she remains a widow and if she marred again she is only to have one third

of the above articles during her life and the balance to be sold and divided equally amongst all

my children.  2nd I bequeath unto my sons Jacob and William the place I now live on to the top

of the big spring ridge and along said ridge so far as my land extends and likewise the place

known by the name of Slaterry place to be divided between them according to quality and

quanitity.  3rd All the remaining parts of my land I bequeath unto my sons James and Lawrence

and when they all arrive at the age of maturity, that is Jacob, William, James and Lawrence to pay

to my son Charles the sum of One Hundred pounds in proportions to the value of their lands and likewise

they must pay to my daughters Nancy, Elizabeth, Jane, christine, Margaret, Martha and Sarah the sum of

Twenty five pounds each and lastly if the said christine my wife and sons Jacob and William do

agree jointly she may sell the whole of my lands and pay agreeable to the above mentioned sums.

 I do hereby constitute and appoint my wife Christine and my sons Jacob and William excetors

on this my last will and testament.  I witnesses where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this

9th day of February in the  year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and eight.

Witnesses:  William Poage Jr., Robert Gay and William Sharp

Proven by Poage and Gay in April 1808 court

( Thomas is the son of Walter Drinnon)

Inventory of Lawrence Drinnon's Estate

Greenbrier County, VA Will Book

  1. 3 slaves

  2. 2 guns

  3. 9 horses

  4. 10 cattle

  5. 3 bibles

  6. 18 books

  7. pewter

 Total appraisal was 343 pounds a substanial estate for that time and place.

Dated November 7, 1784

Inventory was taken by:  John McNeil, John Ewing and John Burnside.

Will of Richard Drinnen

Jefferson County, TN

Wife Mary to have land until my son James is 21, and wife and son to

share then.  Thomas Drinnen as executor.

Witnesses are James Drinnen Jr. and Stephen Day

Dated March 19, 1810

( court mimutes of march 1813 show that mary Drinnen was appointed guardian

for James Drinnen, minor, pending suit in which John Day is plaintiff and

Thomas Drinnen is executor of Richard Drinnen, decd.)