Carl Britton Lee was born 29 April 1858. The place Margret Victoria Jackson Lee was born 29
of his birth is unknown but believed to be Claiborne County June 1871. No birth place is known. She
Tennessee. Carl Britton died on 10 February 1934. died on 1 May 1954. Her obituary reads
His obituary reads as follows: C. B. Lee, 76, well-known as follows: Lee, Margaret V., 85, widow
and Highly-respected citizen of this county, died last night of the late C. B. Lee passed away at her
at 12:15 at his home near Pratt's store following a brief illness. residence in the Central Community at 6:30
Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 2:00 from Economy p.m. Saturday following a two week illness.
Church conducted by Rev. W. N. Ramsey and Rev. J. H. Stephens. Survivor; one daughter, Mrs J. T. Noe,
Interment will follow in the church grave yard. Surviving are his wife, Skidmore, MO; four sons, Ben and Mack
Mrs Victoria Lee; five sons, Ben, Harrison and Mack of Morristown, Lee , Morristown, George Lee , Franklin
Willie of Detroit and George of Franklin Ohio; a daughter, Mrs Cora OH, Willie H. Lee of Detroit, Mich; 15
Noe of Tarkio, MO; a brother Henry Lee of Claiborne County; grandchildren; 24 great grandchildren; one
three sisters, Mrs Katherine Young of Kentucky, Mesdames Margaret great-great grandchild; One brother George
and Sallie Young of Claiborne county. Mr. Lee had been a resident Jackson, Des Moines, Ia; One half brother
of this county for most of his life and taught school in this county for Paul Jackson, Morristown. Funeral services
twenty years. He served the county as circuit court clerk for 8 years. at Central Baptist Church 2:30 p.m. Monday
He was an active member of Central Baptist Church. Rev. George Hinchey, Rev Calvin Helton
Pall bearers will be Senter ,James, Lewis and Carroll Lee, Clarence officiating. Burial in Economy Cemetery.
Stubblefield, Claude Kinnick; honorary pall bearers, J. B. Neill, Roy The body is at the residence. Active pall-
Morrison, John Pearson, Lewis Noe, Bert Simmons, Hubert Spoon, bearers; Donald Lee, Harrison Lee Jr.,
Fred Shanks. Claude Lee, William Lee, Boyd Lee and
James Lee. Flower Ladies; Mrs Jack
Michael, Mrs. Donald Lee, Mrs T. J Payne, Mrs. Harrison Lee Jr., Miss Melita Cates
and Doris Lee, Lois Lee and Mildred Lee.
Stubblefield's of Morristown in charge.
Harrison Henry Lee was born in Hamblen county, Tennessee.
He was a diabetic and the doctors were unaware of this. Comming Soon
When he was admitted they put glucose in his Iv which
resulted in his death. His obituary reads as follows:
Harison Henry Lee, age 61, passed away at a local hospital
at 2:20 a.m. Sunday, following a short illness. Surviving are
his wife Mrs. Annie Lee; four sons, Senter, James and Harrison
of Morristown and Lewis of Franklin, Ohio; mother , Mrs. C.B.
Lee; four brothers, Benton and Mack of Morristown, George of
Franklin, Ohio, Will of Detroit, Michigan; one sister Mrs. Cora
Noe of Skidmore, MO,; and eight grandchildren. Funeral
services will be Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. at Central Baptist. Rev.
H. B. Harris, Rev Elmer Trent will officiate. Interment will be in
Jarnagin Cemetery. The remains were removed to his home on
Kidwells Ridge Road on Sunday evening. Serving as pallbearers
will be J.K. Hazelwood, Lewis Collins, Dewey Cates, David
Green, Neal Russell, Everett Branton and Dewey Branton.
Comming Soon Rose was born in Hamblen County, TN. She was
the daughter of James R. Drinnon and Sally Cleo
Robertson. Her obituary reads as follows:
Lee, Mrs Rose Drinnon - age 70 of 1419 Russell
Circle, Morristown passed away at Morristown
Hamblen Hospital Wednesday morning. Member
of Calview Baptist Church. Survivors: husband
James Lee; daughters, Mrs Charles (Peggy) Hagwood,
Clinton, Ms. Jimmie Rose Lee, Mrs. D.A, (Wanda) Jones,
Mrs. Grady (Anita)Carpenter, Mrs. Larry (Linda) Talley;
all of Morristown; 16 grandchildren; nine great-
grandchildren. Funeral service 2 p.m. Friday at Mayes
Mortuary. Rev. Elmer Lampkin, Rev. Ernest Wilson
officiating interment Jarnagin Cemetery.The family
will receive friends 7-9 p.m. Thursday at Mayes
Mortuary, Morristown.
* She also raised 1 granddaughter, Kimberly Dawn Hickman.
Lilly E Lee b.30 March 1897 d. Oct. 3 1911
Lillie E. Lee is the daughter of Carl Britton and Margret Victoria Lee.
As you can see she was only 14 when she died. It is unknown
why she died at such an young age. She is buried in Economy
Cemetery beside her parents. When I first found this stone I was
unsure who she was and no one in the family knew. I am in the
process of restoring her stone.
James Boyd Lee Jr.
is the still born child of James and Rose Lee
No obituary found.