
Drennan was orginally spelt O' Draighneain ( draighnean means

blackthorn). It is usually accepted that the sept of of O'Drennan

belonged to the Siol Anmchadha group, located in Longford, Co.

Galway.  The Four Masters record the death of Gillachiarain

O'Draighnen in 1163 in the county Westment.  Other families

were living in Leinster counties and the county Tipperary.  Some

associate the O'Drennan name with the Thorntons.  According to the

book More Irish Families "Drennan, Dreinan, Drinane, Drinan and

Meenagh were interchangeable with Thornton in the counties

Galway and Mayo, where at the present time Thornton is fairly

numerous and Drennan etc., are not."    Keating History states that

O'Drennan was the chief of Slieve Eise Finn and Kinel Sedna,

which borders Galaway and Clare.  "The lands aboutthe fair Slieve

Eise, are possed by the Clan Sedna of melodious barbs, A tribe who

firmly support their clans; Chief of their territory is O'Drennan."

In the 1890 birth index the Drennan family was numerous in Antrim

and Tipperary counties.