Our dog Kia

Andréa's Homepage


For me, welcoming you to my web page is tantamount to welcoming you into my home...only with fewer dust bunnies! And don't worry, even in person our Shiba Inu, Kia, doesn't bite.

Massachusetts has been my home since 1983 but, having grown up on the 'left coast', I still find the severe weather daunting. My ultimate goal is to return to my home state of California before I'm too old to enjoy sunsets over the Pacific.

I am the mother of two wonderful sons - a college freshman and a high school freshman - and am fast approaching the 50th anniversary of my birth. In addition, I am a career woman in charge of the welfare of 58 students and their families. I recently returned to college as a part-time continuing education student in order to obtain my BA in Liberal Arts with a psychology concentration. As for travel, most recently, my plans have centered around flying relatives across country and back for graduations, and transporting my oldest son back and forth to college.

If I had spare time (which I don't) I would spend it
One thing that I do enjoy is fix-it projects around the house, which I tackle as the need arises. I also enjoy designing web sites...which leads me to why I am taking this class. WYSIWYG is fine, but I am a person who likes to go behind the scenes; sift through the rubble and really understand what's behind the things I see. Feel free to visit the site I designed for my job. You'll find it at http://metco.scit.org.
