The topic of the site:
METCO Director's Association
What information can be found on your site:
- About Us
- District Directory w/links
- Scholarship Info
- Florence Howes Scholarship
w/Information on Florence Howes
w/printable application form (to be mailed in)
- Conference Info
- MDA Conference & Youth Conference
w/ information on upcoming conferences
w/online registration form w/credit card capability
w/online verification form that reminds Purchase Order users that PO must be received before registration is confirmed
w/online registration confirmation
*Data base of conference registrants should be accessible by Registrar in order to generate auto confirmation letters w/confirmation #'s.
- Photos page
- Links page
NOTE: The online registration stuff may be a bit optimistic...I'm sure I'll be needing help with these. I'm assuming the server-side and CGI scripts will not be a problem if uploading to the Geocities site.
- Educators
- Legislators
- METCO Directors
- Academic Service Providers
What is the function of the site? (information? marketing? some combination? other?)
I plan to work individually on this project.