Ultimate eBook


Ultimate eBook
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eBay Guide

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This Ultimate Info Products package. It's not a long list of outdated eBooks. It is the best collection of the top rated eBooks and software available on the Internet today. All in one eBook. This eBook has it all! You will be able to download directly from this eBook You will find many products in the package are being sold at other sites for $9.90 - $49.90 each.

Let's get to it and see what you get with your Ultimate Info Products Package ... 

 Exclusive information on: 

 15MB Free Hosting with Absolutely NO Ad.

 Domain Name Registration for as low as $6.95 p.a.

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(For as little as $2.00/month each domain including Domain Registration) 

 Free eBook compilers/builders with no restrictions!

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 Pay Nothing to Accept Credit Cards from your web site in real time.

 Huge 300MB hosting package with all the extras, get paid for refer others.

 Protecting your web images from being copied
     (With one line of simple scripts everyone can do) 

 Make $10.00 each time by giving away a Free Visa Cards.  
   (+ A 10-level plan could generate unbelievable residual income) 

You also get 

3 Best Selling Titles from Amazon.com


Self-publish at the Speed of Thought 
by Wayne Perkins & Tom Hua (December 2000)
Best Selling Title from

Learn how to self-publish your thoughts and your eBooks with the best selling eBook author and self-publisher

This eBook will walk you step by step through writing your first eBook and then present free resources and marketing plans that will allow you to market your eBooks using the same free resources that helped the author publish 3 eBook bestsellers and two print on demand best selling title at Amazon.com.

Full Resell Rights


Your eBook Daily Marketing Plan! 
by Wayne Perkins & Tom Hua  ( December 2000)
Best Selling Title from

This is a detailed daily eBook Marketing Plan designed for a period of four weeks to help you to market your eBooks on-line.

Perform just 3 marketing activities per day and you will begin to see the best possible results within 60 days or less. 

Full Resell Rights 


A Cheap And Easy Guide
To Self-publishing eBooks
by Wayne Perkins & Tom Hua (December 2000)
Best Selling Title from

This eBook is a complete guide that teaches step by step instruction on how to publish your eBooks.

It includes where to find the most up-to date marketing information, how to sell eBooks without "talking and selling" anyone.

This eBook includes many marketing techniques that require no marketing budget.

It also teaches you how to negotiate eBook publishing contracts from your computer at home.

Full Resell Rights

You also get 

4 Hot Selling Titles - 2001 Series 
with Ready to Take Order
Web Sites


eBay Marketing 2001
by freetosell.com (February 2001)
The Latest eBay Marketing Course

Receiving over 1.5 billion page views per month, eBay is the ULTIMATE venue for selling virtually any goods and making huge profits with almost no effort. eBbay Marketing 2001 provides easy to understand and detailed instructions for maximizing your profits with selling strategies that are PROVEN WINNERS.

This information will make you 1000's on eBay. Although this book was based on eBay auctions, the overall information will work for ALL online auctions. The Author is going to pass on the SECRET SELLING TECHNIQUES that he uses each and every day to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars selling his products on internet auctions.

Full Resell Rights + Ready to Take Order Web Site  


Classified Ad Secrets 2001
by freetosell.com (February 2001)
The Latest Classifieds eBook

Classifieds are the best dollar-for-dollar return in advertising!  However writing successful classified ads is an ART and should not be taken lightly.  This latest eBook  will show you the secrets to writing and making money with "order-pulling" classified ad. It also comes with ...
Free Bonus # 1
- A complete State-By-State list of classified ad sources where you can advertise your ad all over North America at very low prices.
Free Bonus # 2 - Classified Ad Blaster - Using free software and our easy-to-use interface you can submit your classified ad to hundreds of online ad sites in minutes. Our Classified Ad Blaster is the fastest way to post your classified ad online.

Full Resell Rights + Ready to Take Order Web Site   


Credit Secrets 2001
by freetosell.com (February 2001)
The Latest Credit eBook

This E-Book is JAM PACKED with EXCELLENT information that would be useful to anyone - not just those with bad credit!  These are the very same CREDIT SECRETS that CELEBRITIES use!  It's LEGAL and best of all, the process is FREE! Plus what's EVEN BETTER are the techniques to improve your credit rating WITHOUT losing any good credit items that you may have the way you would by opening an entirely new file. EITHER way...you come out a WINNER in the credit game!

Full Resell Rights + Ready to Take Order Web Site  


Wholesale Sources 2001  
by freetosell.com (February 2001)
The Latest Wholesale sources eBook

This is the Most Useful Wholesale Source Guide Ever Put Together... Save up to 90% on over 1,000,000 top quality brand-name products. You will have access to thousands of wholesale sources internationally where you can find Computers, Jewelry, Electronics, Household Goods, Sporting Goods, Clothing ... ...

Get low wholesale prices directly from Wholesalers, Distributors, Vendors, and Liquidators.  Eliminate the middleman! This guide is perfect for entrepreneurs that do business on the Internet, mail order, flea markets, or simply want to buy products for themselves at wholesale prices.

Full Resell Rights + Ready to Take Order Web Site  


The 2001 eBooks are Red Hot with Full Resell Rights and 
Ready to Take Order Web Sites! 
Should You be Selling them before your Competitors?

You also get

The Most Talked about eBook Grand Daddy
It has just got BIGGER
(Updated March 2001) 




The Ultimate eLibrary  
by freetosell.com  

Here you will find 5,000+ Free eBooks, Reports, Software, Free Services, Free Web Space, Free Games, Free Screen Savers, Free eCards, Free Chat Rooms ... and many other useful resources.

While others are trying to sell you some of the items here as a 'package' you get them all from here plus much more for Free.

There are so many info products you will be able to download. Some of the download files will generate hundreds of files and reports. We advise you that you choose what you need then download and try them as you go

Full Resell Rights  


If you like to have as many eBooks as you possibly can.
You must have the Ultimate eLibrary!

 Should You Settle for Anything Less?


 You also get 

13 Hand Picked Quality Info Products with Full Resell Rights



Professional Cover Creation Tutorial
by Tom Dahne, a Software Genius from Australia

This product has Never been sold for less than $34.95. March 16 2001, Tom said, Sell with the Resell Rights!

This brand new interactive learning software will help you every step of the way to create professional eBook covers. If you are serious about selling eBooks online this is the software for you! Some websites are charging as much as $99 per eBook Cover they design. Why keep paying someone to create your eBook covers for you when you can design professional eBook graphics yourself in just a matter of minutes?! You don't have to be good at graphics to design your own eBook Covers. Designing professional eBook graphics is easier than you think.

Full Resell Rights  


The Internet Marketers Secret Guide  
by freetosell.com (December 2000)

Tired of reading eBooks full of resell links?

In this down to earth eBook, there is No Reseller Links. No paid endorsements but Only the Best Resources! Based on the years of research on the Internet, only the quality resources have been hand picked and included in this eBook. Now you can use exactly what the experts are currently using to market your business on line without wasting your valuable time to find them. 

Full Resell Rights  


eBook Cover Templates  
by Quentin Brown & Tom Hua (December 2000)

More than 120 eBook cover and Software box templates ready for you to add wording and graphics. Now you can create images for your information products in just minutes. Use the images for your self or sell them to the others, even just to sell the Templates. Whatever you choose to do. You keep every cent you make. 

Full Resell Rights  


Free Targeted eZine Ad System
by David A. Eck

The Revolutionary new program that allows you to
place Hundreds of Free Targeted ezine Ads
. The system was created with the Internet entrepreneur in mind. The creator selected eZines targeted to people interested in new business ideas, opportunities, products and services. eZine advertising is the most direct and powerful method of marketing on the Internet today! Imagine the response you could generate by placing hundreds of free eZine ads. Your sales can be staggering if you have a good product or service! With the The Free eZine Ad System you can finally afford the eZine advertising that you need!

Full Resell Rights  


The Complete Guide to Building Your Own Web Site
(A.K.A. My Web Site) by Quentin Brown

A Fully Interactive Training Workshop for any one who wants to build a web site. It is not just a book to read. We have used the great qualities of the Internet to allow you to partake in practical exercises. This means that you will be learning many of the skills and terminology necessary to get your site built and loaded ready for the world to view. We teach you the different aspects of the web page design, such as backgrounds, formats, graphics,  tables and much more.

Full Resell Rights 


This eBook available as .EXE For Windows, .PDF For MACS, and for Windows users without Internet Explorer Ver 4.0 or higher.

1001 Newbie-Friendly Tips

In this revealing book, you will discover ... 100s of Practical and Usable ideas - and the simplest ways to implement them. How to fine tune your site to maximize profit. How to continue increasing your profit with successful, proven strategies.

Every bit of information has been double checked for accuracy and freshness. You'll find no re-cycled "yesterday's news" here! The Internet is constantly changing at extraordinary speed. And yesterday's winning ideas quickly become today's also-rans. But with the best of current thinking at your fingertips, you can apply these methods with utmost confidence, assured you are on the winning track.

Full Resell Rights  


Cash Flow e-Business
by Robbins Publishing Group

At last, a concise, accurate and very effective book
covering the marketing topics that will cost you little or nothing to successfully promote and market your business. In this e-book, you'll find covered the most
fundamental principals
of promoting any business,
product or service successfully on or off the Net.


Full Resell Rights  


Autoresponder Magic
by Yanik Silver

A New Resource That Can Help You Put Your Web Site's Sales On Autopilot.
A Massive Collection of Winning Autoresponder Messages to Model, Copy and Swipe.
Autoresponder Magic is a new ebook that contains some of the most successful and persuasive autoresponder messages ever written. It's jam-packed with autoresponder messages that have been proven to work by the top Internet Professionals.

Full Resell Rights + Ready to Take Order Web Site   

Simple 4 Step System To Create Your Own Internet Cash Machines!

Internet Cash Machines!
by Allen Says

Simple 4 Step System To Create Your Own Internet Cash Machines! Are you ready to learn a simple system that Master Marketer Allen Says of the Internet Marketing Warriors has used over the last 5 years to sell hundreds of thousands of dollars in products and services? 

Full Resell Rights + Ready to Take Order Web Site   

Uncover the Power of eMail Marketing!

E-Mail Marketing Strategies Revealed!
by Bryan Kumar

How To Eliminate The Three Most Lethal And Costly Mistakes That Everybody Else is Making!
How To Use E-Mail Marketing So You Never Get in Trouble With Your ISP - No Matter What Type of Business You Have! 
How To Turn a Lot More of Your Web Site Visitors into Repeat Customers!
Start Seeing Profits From E-Mail Immediately!  

Full Resell Rights + Ready to Take Order Web Site   

The Complete eBay Auction Marketing E-Course

eBay Auction Marketing E-Course
by Robbin Tungett

This straight forward low learning curve program is a self executing windows program. (.exe) Written and compiled by the staff of I.M.A.G.E.S. International Marketing And Global Entrepreneurial Services

Full Resell Rights + Ready to Take Order Web Site   


by Unlimited Publishing Group

InterNETACTIVE is a powerful program you can use to dramatically increase your Internet exposure.  It provides links to the Internet where you can advertise and promote your products and/or services for free. It also contains valuable information you can use to educate yourself on proper and effective online marketing. 

Full Resell Rights  

Is Net Success Yours?

by Virtual Notions

This is a fast, no-frills guide to earning money on the internet. In a compact, "checklist" style, you will get the explanations and the "features to look for" in many internet-marketing issues: affiliate programs, banners and banner exchanges, website-hosting services, reciprocal links, publicity, traffic analysis, communities, and much else.  That "checklist" style gives hundreds of quick guidelines for successful marketing in newsgroups, email, and other venues.

Full Resell Rights  

You also get 

15 Hand Picked Quality Info Products with Full Give Rights

We know there are hundreds of free eBooks out there. We have reviewed every product we could find and then carefully selected the best 10 titles here for you.

Want more? You will find them in our Ultimate eLibrary

Practical DotCom Business
by Stewart Hutton

A Step By Step Guide To Creating Your Own Internet Business

Here's just a taste of what's in the guide:

Where and how to base your business on the internet.
How to decide what the right "subject" is for you. Combining design, layout and content to create your site. How to add relevant, dynamic, live content to your site. Turn casual visitors into a virtual community. How you can sell branded products with no inventory or investment. Traffic generating techniques that work ... and those to avoid.

Full Give Away Rights

3 eBooks in The Set

How to Start Your Own Traffic Virus Set
by Terry Dean

eBook #1: How to Start Your Own Traffic Virus

eBook #2: 101 High Profit Businesses You Can Start Online For Little or NO Money

eBook #3: The Best of Web Gold Over 75 training articles teaching you step-by-step how to build an Internet business.

Full Give Away Rights

Totally Free Web Resources
by Dennis Bangerter

This e-book will introduce you to web page building tools, and show you how to host your site on free hosting services. You will learn how to find and use tons of free components (graphics, icons, dividers, plug-ins, etc.) to enhance your website. It also shows you how to get your domain name free, and point it to your new website. E-mail forwarding, Banner design programs, and other free services are covered in the eBook as well. It also takes you to some free advertising services where you can sign up and start advertising your website immediately. You will even discover how to make additional income from your website free!

Full Give Away Rights

Online Stealth Marketing  
by Mike Enlow

Since 1989, Mike Enlow world leading "technologies marketing consultant" has assisted business men and women to gain an absolute marketing advantage using competitive intelligence and creative marketing techniques.
Mike Enlow is endorsed by many of the worlds most respected marketing consultants like: Jay Abraham, Ted Nicholas, Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, Brad Richdale, Mark Nolan, Jerry Buchanon, and others, as the person who ushered in the world of "Internet Commerce." His phenomenal success using the Internet as a tool for himself and his clients has kept him at the top of the list of Internet Marketing Advisors.

Free Give Away Rights

The eBook Submitter
by Dennis Bangerter  (February 2001)

This software provides14 ebook stores, that accept E-content from independent authors. By clicking on the 14 buttons, you are presented with, in a separate frame, website addresses, information on submission guidelines, royalty payments, accepted genre, contract previews, limitations and restrictions, and more. Also provided are links to other beneficial information for authors. If your site provides E-books, links, or information concerning E-books, then this will be a good utility for you to give away from your site. If you are an E-book publisher, this is also a good utility to give away with your rejection letters.

Full Give Away Rights


7 Secrets To Unlimited Traffic
by Internet Warriors

This is a short ebook that offers seven suggestions on how to increase traffic to your Website. Learn about targeting, ezines, search engines, and other techniques that take advantage of the power of the Internet to bring more traffic to your site. It's easy to read, the interface is attractive, and you may be able to pick up some pointers fairly quickly.

Full Resell or Give Away Rights  

The Magic Story
by Allen Says

An immediate, worldwide sensation was created after "The Magic Story" first made its appearance in 1900 in the original Success Magazine. After 1000's of reprints, a tiny, silver book was published. 

You may not be able to find the silver book today, but the author has made the story into an eBook so that you too may benefit from its powerful message.

Full Resell or Give Away Rights

Scientific Advertising
by Claude C Hopkins

This book is responsible for untold millions of dollars in sales and profits. It is the book that many of the 'gurus' you know used as the foundation of their $495 marketing courses. Some who read it can not grasp what it means. Others who read it get affected so deeply that it changes their entire way of doing business and they go on to make fortunes.

Full Resell or Give Away Rights  

Magic Letters
by Allen Says

How To Write So People Buy Now!
If you want to make money on the Internet - this eBook is the first step. It will reveal the methods used by history's Direct Response Master's!

Full Resell or Give Away Rights  

Increase Auction Profits
by Robbin Tungett

In This eBook you will learn 10 effective ways to reduce your business costs, 10 things you should know before you bid,  12 ways to create an order-pulling niche, 10 ways text can impact your reader's buying decision, 10 mind altering words that make people buy, 10 motivational triggers that make people buy, 10 tips for writing a profit producing Ad, 10 order pulling ways to end your Ad copy, 10 reasons why people don't buy from you, 10 upsell strategies that will increase your profits, How to use bundling to increase your profits and sales, 10 killer ways to sell your back-end products, 10 resourceful things you can do with a product that doesn't sell, How to use online auctions as traffic generators ...

Free Give Away Rights

Unlimited Profits
by Alan Says

My sites pull in $1,000's a week for one reason and one reason only. I don't treat my web site like my home. I think the name 'Home Page' has a lot of folks that are trying to make money on the net seriously confused. Unlimited Profits reveals how you can cut through the hype and finally start making money online!

Free Give Away Rights

The Best Of Dr Kevin Nunley
by Tommy Edwards

Dr. Kevin Nunley's marketing articles are regularly printed on AOL, Prodigy, and in many business magazines. You can also see his monthly column appearing exclusively in DEMC. You can find him talking about marketing as the moderator of Prodigy Internet's marketing discussion area.

Kevin's long experience working with e-businesses has taught him that many traditional business tactics won't work well on the  Internet. Therefore, he works on a model that says that one should tailor their marketing strategy specifically for the Net, rather than trying to superimpose old practices onto a new media.

Free Give Away Rights

Aesop Award Submitter

A Nice Software that will automatically submit your web site to Award sites for you.

Currently there are 71 sites. It also has a built in "Update" to jeep the software current as well as tips on getting one of the Top 8 awards of the web. 

Free Give Away Rights

You have Full Resell Rights to the Entire Package*. You can also sell or give away Any Item in the package Individually. Best of all, You Keep All the Money for selling them! 

Yes, we are adding great info products into the package all the time. But, Don't worry! You get Unlimited Free Upgrades.

Why would you be someone else's reseller when you can get 100% commission? 

Order TODAY for only $49.95

As soon as I receive confirmation of payment,
the Ultimate eBook will be emailed to you.
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