Apparently WSBT channel 22 didn’t think this was important enough to help spread the word so I guess I will start spreading it on my own. Not everyone is going to take the time or even think to check things out. Especially, if they are in a tough time of their life where they need money, let’s face it the older you get the less likely you are going to think before you act. Sure they have had things on the new in the past about scams practicably aimed at the older folks and almost always in the areas where there have been some devastating damages from wild fires, storms, hurricanes, and tsunami’s.
Just the other day I received what I wish was my get out of debt free card so to speak. I have been getting numerous emails in my yahoo bulk file under this name Macia Pease of course this is not the proper spelling of my name. Hmmm… they should be shamed! What’s worse is these people are praying on innocent people, if I hadn’t of been wise enough to check this matter out I would have end up owing more money – because obviously I would have had to pay back that money. I am sure by now that the company whose name is on the check has closed out their account and opened a new one. But for security reasons I have blackened out the routing and account numbers.
The envelope had no return address on it, with a Canada stamp, inside was the letter from “Bravo International Lotto” to begin with I don’t remember clicking on anything with those misspelled emails. But simply checking them for deletion – so that sent up a red flag also. Who knows how much money these people have gained with this scam? In the letter is a telephone number which I find this quite funny. I did call the number – of course blocking my number so they couldn’t get it – A guy (I WILL NOT SAY GENTLEMEN – BECAUSE THIS IS NOT WHAT A GENTLEMEN WOULD DO) which did have an accent answered. I asked him where I was calling he told me New York (US) – all the while I am online doing a search for the area code ‘604’ – which was in fact the British Columbia! Then I proceeded to tell him that I had received this letter in the mail today along with a check and I was just checking to see if this check was legit! He tells me to hang on a minute, puts me on hold – or so I am led to think this I did here beeping as if I were put on hold. Then about a minute later I am disconnected. Of course, I what about 5 to 10 minutes and make the call again – blocking my number they pick up and immediately hang up!
I also contacted Washington Mutual (WaMu) Bank in Atlanta, Georgia – yeah the check was drawn from a bank in Atlanta Georgia with a Canada stamp on the envelope – that to put up a red flag. Please help me into spreading the word so that there are not any other innocent people that suffer the consequences of having to pay back money that wasn’t theirs to begin with
Be sure you check the stamp to see where it's from

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