Welcome to my Guestbook!

EILEEN - 12/21/00 04:46:44


Tania - 11/23/00 13:58:03
My URL:/zoeyl_au/LittlelyFamily.html
My Email:kittyb@modnet.com.au

What a beautiful memorial for your beautiful daughter... and yes! she is beautiful. We have a son Joshua with a deletion of the 18th chromosome. He is now 5 years old. We all the challenges he brings we are ever so grateful for him... I am constantly amazed at how such a little person who cannot walk or speak can teach so many so much. Kind regards, Tania

asshole - 11/21/00 22:44:03
My Email:asshole@biggerasshole.com

I hope you die. OH YEAH, god isn't real, do you think anyone would fuck you that bad and still love you, stupid ass.

kim and brenda - 11/14/00 16:16:21
My Email:onlybrat2001@gateway.net

your story really did touch the two of us. i hope that you stay strong and god bless you.

louis - 10/31/00 03:57:41
My Email:louisb4@hotmail.com


Mary Ellen - 08/28/00 18:05:07
My Email:mez212@aol.com

Thank you for sharing your beautiful miracle baby girl with me, she is a wondrous testament of God's love for all of us, Mary Ellen in NJ mom to Heather, 2 years old, complex congenital heart defects

Linda - 08/26/00 13:54:39
My Email:Hilsen3@aol.com

To Julianna and my neice Megan. God Bless.

Meaghan Robinson - 07/28/00 02:11:44
My Email:robinson@icx.net

Dear Aunt Julie, Aunt Julie is my favorite cousin! I am her niece. I am 5 years old. Aunt Julie's daughter, Carly is nice. I have a new baby brother. His name is baby Collin. I love Aunt Julie. Love Meaghan.

Bethany Cooper - 07/21/00 18:55:38
My Email:bbcooper@nmhs.net

Through tears I send my thoughts and prayers your way. I have a 5 year old son, John David, who was diagnosed with Langer-Giedion Syndrome @ birth. I have read many stories and talked to many moms over the last 5 years. You know it is unbelievable how we ll express the same love for our precious babies. WE ARE THE LUCKY ONES, TO HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO BE MOM ! God Bless You, Bethany

meglena bojanov - 07/17/00 23:32:28
My Email:ignatb@hotmail.com

i cried for your little Julianna while i was reading your story.I just had a baby girl with Triosomy 21.Her name is Ana-Maria and she broght me to your beatiful little angel.All my famaly pray for you and Julianna.Love Megi. Seattle

Sheralee - 07/15/00 17:39:37
My Email:sklook1@worldnet.att.net

Through tears I write to thank you for your courage and words. When my son passed the first thought I had was he could now hear me and I started talking as fast as I could to tell him I loved him and I know he is is a great soul who came to teach us and I was sorry if I didn't always get the lessons, but I get them now. And we would always cherish him, etc Please visit Bram's memorial at: www.1freespace.com/memorials/bramsterlingdavis.html Thank you and bless you, Sheralee

diana - 07/11/00 02:45:36
My Email:overyouhead@jps.net


CHANDA WILSON - 07/08/00 02:41:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/katy_42818/ttt.html
My Email:katy_42818@yahoo.com


LadyLiz - 07/02/00 18:44:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com?sirmaximillion2000
My Email:eboutte@msis.net

Your page is beautiful!!!

Sarah Bruner - 06/15/00 19:25:44
My URL:http://www.medt.com/~brunerjs
My Email:brunerjs@medt.com

Julie and Jude, I haven't talked to either of you for a really long time, but I wanted you to know that I still think of both of you. I hope that you've been doing well! I made a website for Ashleigh if you'd like to look at it. www.medt.com/~brunerjs Love, Sarah

Auntie Kelly - 06/13/00 02:09:09
My Email:BKBMB@aol.com

Hi Julie and Family I am just sitting here thinking about how strong your Mom and Family has become after spending time with you I only wish I could have seen you before you left us. Julianna I think about you everyday and I just wonder. Take Care and keep watching over Meg n for me OK I LOVE YOU

Auntie Kelly - 06/13/00 02:06:32


Jenni - 05/10/00 06:55:11
My Email:Jenni@broadmind.com

Julie, Thank you for sharing your precious story. My baby boy (with an unbalanced translocation) is expected in June and it is all so very scary and unknown. I cried for your little Julianna while I was reading your story and cried for you and your family. It is wonderful to know that she isn't suffering and that she is so happy and at peace now. I am genuinely touched at the way you wrote about her and I am honored to have been invited to read her story. My best regards to your family, Jenni

Lynn - 05/02/00 00:42:12
My Email:LTomkins2@aol.com

Dear Julie - I just completed reading your beautiful site about Julianna. I felt like I was reading about my own daughter Laura. She has the same deletion as Julianna had. Our children are special in more ways than one. They are beautiful too. Our th ughts and prayers will always be with you.

Lynn - 05/02/00 00:36:46


Morningmart - 04/19/00 05:04:41
My Email:mikehauschild@msn.com

Saw your life and experiences with Julianna for the first time tonight. I am with you, Julie, and feel so much. She IS beautiful, an angel. Love, Martha of the Morning

LaTonya Goffney - 04/05/00 00:32:49
My Email:lgoffney@hotmail.com

As I read your daughter's page, tears flowed uncontrollably. My son was born December 21, 1999 and has been diagnosed with the 1p36 deletion. I have been praying daily for God to heal my son, and I still pray that He does. However, I realize that if He doesn't heal my son it is not because He can't. I now pray that I can be as strong as you.

jen harris - 03/29/00 06:12:35
My URL:http://www.littledov.com/HeavensGate/kody.html
My Email:angelwings_96@webtv.net

So many things you wrote of about your daughter sounded just like what we went through with Kody.He passed away in my arms and i to smiled so did his aunt nikki and my best friend.We laughed,we cried,we celebrated the end of one beautiful life and the beginning of another.I miss him sooo..much but it comforts me knowing he will never be in pain and he is now able to do ALL he could never do and MORE!! Your site definatly touched my heart!!

jen harris - 03/29/00 06:12:14
My URL:http://www.littledov.com/HeavensGate/kody.html

So many things you wrote of about your daughter sounded just like what we went through with Kody.He passed away in my arms and i to smiled so did his aunt nikki and my best friend.We laughed,we cried,we celebrated the end of one beautiful life and the beg nning of another.I miss him sooo..much but it comforts me knowing he will never be in pain and he is now able to do ALL he could never do and MORE!! Your site definatly touched my heart!!

TINA - 03/20/00 03:35:00


Lesley - 03/18/00 05:48:18
My Email:g7198ld@aol.com

I was overwhelmed with great emotion tonight as I read Julianna's story. I can't remember the last time I cried so hard. My tears weren't just for the problems that Julianna encountered in her short life, but also for the love that you poured into this ite honoring her life. I have a 15 mos. old neice who was born 8 weeks early at 1lb 10oz who has had some of the same problems Julianna had. I have the privilege of taking care of her, her twin sister, and her older sister while their parents are at wor . I have to admit, there are some very trying days, but there has never been a day that I have regretted taking on the responsibility. I am so proud of her for every new thing that she learns. Right now she is working on sitting up by herself. Julianna's story is such an inspiration and the love that you and your whole family have for her shines so brightly.

Heather Dykeman - 03/13/00 07:25:42
My Email:Dman@loa.com

Little lamb: What can I say? I have been reading your story with tears in my eyes. You asked me to visit your web site and here I am, very grateful that you mentioned it and grateful for WFS. Its 2:15 am and I could'nt sleep. Before I went to bed this evening I had a long chat with the Lord and gave my life back over to him. I know that I cannot get through this struggle of alcoholism without his grace and I have been basically ignoring him and trying to do it myself for so long. Your story touched me so deeply, and felt like confirmation from God that he heard me, and his gentle way of dealing with me is to wake me in the middle of the night and go to your site to read this story, to remind me of the precious gifts I have, my one year old Benjamin (bo n Feb 23, 1999) and the unborn child on the way. Oh, how selfish I have been. I told you all in my post that I was unable to feel this little life inside of me and now finally at 2:15 in the AM, I feel him/her, and I love my babies too much to drink, to much to hurt them when they are so innocent and unable to speak for themselves. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your story and for reaching out to me. Sincerely, you 4C sister in Christ, Heather

Irene Gattone - 03/07/00 21:03:31
My Email:gdigat@easy-pages.com

This site is so beautiful and very touching. I am grandmother to Cody with 5p- . My heart goes out to you in your loss. Cody was also born on Dec. 18 and is my little sweetheart. God bless you and give you comfort each day.

Betty Hilyer - 03/04/00 19:04:04
My Email:bhilyer@hotmail.com

Who wouldn't be touched and moved by such a beautiful explaination of God's Grace and Mercy even in time of grief. I have a granddaughter who has 1p.36.22 and was one of the first registered cases. How blessed and lucky we are to have her. and it amazing e when I read of all the difficulties that so many of these angels have suffered from. Kenzi has had her share of problems, but never seizures or pnuemonia. How good God has been to us and what an inspiration you are to all of us. God's riches blessings t you and yours. love, Betty

Kathy - 02/24/00 04:04:39
My Email:ktrousd@alaweb.com

Hi, this is a beautiful site. Your love and pain are so touchingly presented here. Thanks for sharing this most difficult part of your life. Lots of love, in the healing spirit.

Angie - 02/16/00 18:14:35
My Email:angielfi@yahoo.com

your daughter's site is lovely as she was lovely little girl. I have to admire your attitude about the impression she has made on your life.

Lori Barton - 02/13/00 00:10:04
My Email:101dlbbat@msn.com

Julie -- I am struck by the beauty of your words in describing your love for Julianna and your love of God. What a wonderful witness you are to His love. Julianna's story has touched me deeply, and I will think of her often. Lori Barton

isabelle chiasson - 02/06/00 03:49:49
My Email:isachi@altavista.com

I finally managed to get to julianna's website... I am filled with profound emotions as I read on and understand completely what your struggle and feelings are.. Please know that I will think of you on February 18th... All my love, Isabelle

- 02/06/00 01:53:19
My Email:fltcwa@yahoo.com

You told me to read your story and I'm glad I did. Today's 1st reading was from Job. We can't always explain the whys of suffering. Only God can. I hope that you and your family are healing. God Bless!

Jessica Loeb - 02/02/00 19:58:59
My Email:EchotaCIC@aol.com

How touching your page on your little angel is. Please know that you are in my thoughts.

Tracey aka beulahbo - 01/18/00 18:29:35
My Email:czek@telusplanet.net

Oh Julie, I am glad I came here to see your sight. What a loving tribute. I sat here and cried and by the end of it I was happy as it gave me more of an insight as to the person you are and the person I am getting to know on WFS. Your strenght is encouraging and insurmountable. All the best to you and your family.

Kimberly - 01/17/00 16:48:50
My Email:One NICU Nurse@aol.com

Your little girl's birthdate caught my attention. My first baby was born on that day, that same year, and died in my arms three days later. What peace I felt then, and what peace I feel when I reflect upon that moment. Your story is such an inspiration Your reverence for God is amazing. It brings me to tears. I have gained so much from sites like this. Thank you.

Auntie Kelly - 01/17/00 03:57:12
My Email:BKBMB@aol.com

Hi Julianna I was just sitting here thinking about you and are hopeing you are watching over Megan right now.. Because to this family you are our angel.. WE LOVE YOU Kelly

Pat - 01/12/00 15:39:44
My Email:RAZPAT@aol.com

What a beautiful little girl you were blessed with for so short of a time but you will reunite with her someday and have joyous times together. Pat Cal

Jackie Aucoin - 01/12/00 02:25:08
My Email:jaucoin@mail.com

Ms Julie, I am so happy that I finally spoke with you tonight after so long. I immediatly went here to see Julianna. Everything is so beautiful! You always know how to through God back into my life and I thank you for that. Please give my love to Jude, hristie, and Carly as I send my love to Julianna.

korie alderman - 01/07/00 02:53:23
My Email:kra@mwt.net

what a beautiful little girl. you were very blessed to have had her in your life.

Mary Johnson - 01/07/00 02:20:17
My Email:MaryKJohnson@aol.com

Your daughter is beautiful...my granddaughter has Complete Trisome 22, and we were told she would die during delivery or shortly thereafter....she is four days old today, and they can't figure it out. Please say a prayer for Haley Marie. Thank you, Mary Johnson.

Mary Catherine - 12/26/99 00:15:08
My URL:http://www.chucksinheavencjb.net
My Email:mcjones@msc.net

Just dropped in for a little visit with Julianna Marie this evening, Julie, and thought you might like to know that you and your family are all in my heart and in my thoughts on this Christmas night, your first without your precious little one! I can wel imagine just how tough a day it has been for each of you. Life goes on, but it is never the same again. You are in my thoughts today as always. How I wish I could turn the hands of time back for all of us. Love you, Julie, and am thinking of you dail ...

Auntie Kelly in Minnesota - 12/21/99 02:22:10
My Email:BKBMB@aol.com

Hi Everyone hope all is going well at the new house. I just stopped by to see how beatiful my litte angel is again.. I will always and forever remember her in my heart.. Love to all Kelly

Carly Orlando - 12/19/99 21:42:41

I miss you, Julianna. I hope I can see you again. Is it fun up there? We bought a new house and we wish you could be there. Happy Birthday, Julianna, I hope you have friends up there. Merry Christmas, I hope you have presents too. We all miss you an we wish we could see you again. We will go to your cemetary today. Love Carly 12/19/99.

Mary Catherine - 12/10/99 06:31:46
My URL:http://www.chucksinheavencjb.net

Julie, I am sitting here listening to Julianna's gorgeous wave and viewing her web site. I think of you every day and hope and pray that you are finding peace during this Holy Season. My heart is with you as I know how difficult it is to be without "ou babies", but they are and forever will be...in our hearts. My love is with you!

Sara Murphy - 12/02/99 02:08:55
My Email:Sara.purmort@wcom.com

Your tribute to our Lord and your daughter is beautiful. I was inspired by your post on the WFS website ... and now I know why. Another person who God has put in my life to remind me of His grace. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. The Lord works miracles through all of us. Love, Sara (On WFS I'm ASadie60)

Garnie - 12/01/99 07:03:12
My Email:Or_garnie@yahoo.com

Blesed are the children and all they come in contact with.

GwynnTurner - 11/30/99 18:55:21
My Email:turnergal@aol.com

What a beautiful and loving tribute to an angel on earth. You have my sincerest sympathy. God bless you and your family.

Penny - 11/30/99 18:41:59
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/SweetheartLn/candypenny/indx.html
My Email:Candy_Penny@yahoo.com

Loved your site it touched my heart. God Bless

Kelly Smith (WFS) - 11/30/99 17:18:07
My Email:khamm26@yahoo.com

I am so moved by the devotion obvious in this web site. Juliana was a deeply loved child, and now she is deeply loved by all of us who have visited this site as well. Julie, thank you for allowing us at WFS to view this tribute to your beautiful little irl.

Deanna - 11/30/99 17:00:40
My Email:ivyglenn@aol.com

Julie, Thankyou so much for sharing your beautiful daughter Julianna's story. What a blessing she was and really still is because she has touched my heart this morning and I know will touch many others. I Love our heavenly father and you have given me su h encouragement from losses I have gone through recentely by being so generous. God bless you! Deanna (a WFS sister!)

Gerri - 11/30/99 14:57:46
My Email:lucmck@aol.com

Julie and family - I have read the brave story of you all and your little girl. You are an inspirational and an incredible woman. Let know one, including yourself, think anything less. Love, gerri

Nancy_eh - 11/30/99 03:57:21

Dear Julie, I came here direct from the message board tonight. I marvel at your tribute to Julianna. You have blessed me by showing me the life of love you live. May you know peace and healing. Nancy

Charlotte Stanley - 11/30/99 03:44:15
My Email:aussie01@worldnet.att.net

Julie: I cannot describe the feelings I am having after reading your writings about your child. I believe GOD does things for a reason. I am sorry about your loss. You have a great deal of courage to share your loss and I have the utmost respect. This has he ped me greatly with my own losses. I know your little girl is in Heaven. Thank you and GOD Bless You!

Suzi - 11/30/99 02:22:51
My Email:CASuziQ@mminternet.com

Julie.... What a wonderful tribute to a beautiful child. I don't think I will ever take my children for granted again, Thank You for this. You are truly a very strong woman with a lot of blessings in your life. Love, Prayers and Hugs Suzi

Faith Sielng - 11/30/99 01:34:05
My Email:faiths@livingston.net

Absolutely a beautiful little miracle!

Nicole McCoubrey - 11/28/99 20:52:17
My Email:nicolemccoubrey@cs.com

Happy Holidays! Julie, I just wanted to wish your family a happy thanksgiving. I hope you are doing well. It is a hard time of year for me too. Alyssa's birthday is next wednesday and she would have been 2 this year. I send my prayers and love and am thinking about both of our perfect little angels now watching over us. God bless you and have a happy holiday.

Megan,Billy,Bobby - 11/25/99 02:02:52
My Email:BKBMB@aol.com


Auntie Kelly - 11/25/99 01:56:14
My Email:BKBMB@aol.com

Hi Julianna I just stopped by to see you again because I felt you smileing down on me today we I got some good news today... I hope your Mommy And Daddy and family got good news to.. We Love you Kelly

- 11/19/99 02:28:39


Essy - 11/18/99 22:31:19
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/stcolmansyoungadultgroup
My Email:redias@mediaone.net

God be with you and your family. Peace, Essy

Billy Andrews - 11/18/99 00:48:20
My Email:MACKANN@aol.com

Aunt Julie- miss you

Shirley - 11/12/99 07:33:03
My Email:smae@uswest.net

Julie & family, I just signed your book earlier this evening and then as I was browsing some of my favorite sites I came across this one and thought of you. I hope you enjoy this poem too.I hope to hear from you by Email also------Shirley http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/4610/refuse.html

Shirley - 11/12/99 07:00:35
My Email:smae@uswest.net

Julie & Family; Just received this site from my friend Kelly (BKBMB) and yours. I couldn't help but cry at the love and honor that went into this site for your daughter. I pray for you as I can see that despite the fact that the Lord is in your heart and life, it is stil very hard to be apart from Julianna. I cannot imagine being apart from my children. I had hard times medically with mine when they were babies, but God was with me and allowed mine to be healed and grow up healthy. The same with my Grandchild and the ro gh start she had. None of my problems compared to yours and Julianna's. She was a brave little baby and a very beautiful one. God Bless you and yours. I will pass this on.....Shirley

Ruth - 11/01/99 17:26:44
My Email:steifbear@hotmail.com

your page is so beautiful. it almost made me cry to read it. i had a miscarriage and lost my precious angel. though i never had a chance to know my baby or even hold her i feel great loss. but i am happy knowing my angel is in heaven.

Susan Mannion(Guest 3825) - 10/29/99 01:48:02
My Email:mannion@superaje.com

Dear Julie and family I was deeply touched by the beautiful tribute to your lovely daughter Julianna. Loss of a child is one of the most difficult to bear. May the love of God give you peace, love of friends and family give you comfort and may the love of your dear one remain in your heart and give you strength through the days ahead. I am so glad I met you. Your Compassionate Friend

Anna Clark - 10/28/99 12:32:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/3018
My Email:techanna@yahoo.com

This is the most beautiful patronage one could make to their child. I can't explain my feelings about this right now. When I come home tonight at 6pm I will email you surely. You are special in God's eyes is all I can say. Anyone who has suffered what ou have suffered as Julianna's mom (parents) is a chosen one. I will get back to you tonight. God Bless all of you. ANNA

Monica in Michigan - 10/27/99 00:07:23
My Email:mmatt5057@aol.com

Julie, wow, how do I type when the tears are blurring my vision?? Thank you so much for taking the time to create Julianna's webpage. I have a little boy with health problems and sometimes I wonder why God picked me to be his mother. Sometimes I don't eem to have the strength everyone expects me to have. I am learning to turn to God and let Him comfort me. Thanks again for this wonderful memory of your beautiful little girl. Monica

Nancy B. - 10/23/99 22:27:05
My Email:nanc57usa@netscape.net


Nancy B. - 10/23/99 22:26:00


Laurie and her mom, Thais - 10/21/99 06:44:54
My URL:/Heartland/Hollow/4764
My Email:mmsmom@webtv.net

Julie, My mom and I visited Julianna tonight. My mom wants me to tell you what a beautiful baby girl Julianna is!!! Of, course, I have said that many times before, and I must agree with my mom. Our hearts go out to you, Julie. We know your pain. Th aching and longing are immense...and sometimes overwhelming...but it will ease. I PROMISE. Please take care of YOU. Give yourself time. MUCH, MUCH, love to you, Julie and to Julianna and your family, too. You are never alone for you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Laurie and Thais (Marissa's Mamaia)

Kelly - 10/21/99 01:07:51
My Email:BKBMB@aol.com

Julie we love you but we need a copy of the tape?? Kelly

Kelly - 10/21/99 01:05:51


Josie Orlando - 10/16/99 20:35:40
My Email:jao6682@aol.com

Reading what our family members, friends of Julianna's family, and complete strangers have recently written in the guestbook made me cry tears of joy at the way that Julianna's life affected us all and continues to bless us. When I found out that for my pplication to college I had to write about the effect of a significant person in my life, I chose to write about Julianna- I feel so honored to have been able to know her. To all of our family out there- you guys are the best family that anyone could ask for, and to Aunt Julie, Uncle Don, Jude, Christie, and Carly- you are in my prayers until we see each other again. Love you guys! =)

Marge Kaufman - 10/15/99 19:14:07
My Email:Marghe38@aol.com

You have made a lovely tribute to your precious daughter. You may have been blessed with having her for that short time but God knew what he was doing by giving her to you and your family. She couldn't have been more loved or cherished. May peace be wi h you. Your TCF friend.

Rhonda Norris (suzanne) - 09/27/99 02:34:01
My Email:DJ800@ATT.NET

That is the most beautiful tribute to your daughter. Thanks for giving me the website so I could visit and see her.

DEBBIE - 09/26/99 05:54:30


Brenda G. Robinson - 09/20/99 20:42:38

what a beautiful and touching site. She is forever in our hearts.

Adam Showalter - 09/18/99 23:06:31
My Email:adamshowalter@hotmail.com


Priscilla - 09/18/99 01:48:33
My Email:mol2001@webtv.net

Thank you for sharing your little angel with us she is beautiful. I met you tonight in the childloss.chat thank you again for sharing your little angel with us. May God Bless You.

Nicole McCoubrey - 09/16/99 20:33:37
My Email:Nicolemccoubrey@cs.com

Julie, when I saw the picture of your little daughter, it brought tears to my eyes. She is absolutely beautiful, perfect in every way. I am so touched by what you have done for her memory. This site gives everybody in the world to know of your daughter and remember her-even if they never had the chance to meet her. I cannot even begin to fathom what you both suffered through. I thought we had it rough, but I see that we were not alone. In the end, both of our little angles were released from their pa n and given a new chance at life. One with the Lord. I am so thankful that I had an opportunity to meet you. I would like to talk to you sometime in the future. If you get a chance, please e-mail me, It does help to talk to others and draw strength fr m their love. Your friend, Nicole.

Sarah Bruner - 09/15/99 21:53:07
My Email:brunerjs@medt.com

Dear Jude, Julianna is beautiful!! I'm glad that I got the chance to meet you; I really think that we can help each other a lot! Love, Sarah

Melissa Brewer - 09/13/99 04:52:24
My Email:princessmelissa@yahoo.com

Julie, I think your page is wonderful, and inspirational. My fiance and I lost our baby girl to a miscarriage in May, and it was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. I got your webpage address from the epilepsy room on irc. I'm sorry I didn't get to hat with you then, you were just about to leave. I feel like our little girl was such a blessing, and the doctors said birth defects were the cause of the miscarriage, but she looked so perfect to us. She was our little angel, and she still is. I feel our pain, and I know that you will make it through. I wish you all of the luck in the world. Lots of love, Melissa

Christie Hoos - 09/11/99 22:30:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Creek/8557
My Email:hoos@ontarioccc.org

Hi Julie! I met you at the groww chatroom and came to check out your page. I am blown away by what I have read. I am so sorry that you lost your precious Julianna. Her life has truly been a miracle. I believe that God sent you to encourage me - what a pow rful testimony to His love this page is. Thank you for sharing her with me!

Larry & Fran McDowell - 09/10/99 20:02:30
My Email:mcdowl@midamerica.net

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Gayle R. Robinson Jr. - 09/10/99 13:17:56

She was AWESOME just like her Mother Julie, Father Don, Big brother Jude, and big sisters Christy and Carly. The website is truly inspirational to anyone who new her and her family. I bet she brags to all the other Little Angels that she had the best family that a little girl could ever want.

Steven Riley - 09/10/99 11:57:47
My Email:Striles@aol.com

Dear Julie: I am a friend of Jill's and her love for you and Julianna sent me your way. Know that my prayers are with you in your loss. But now you can talk with your daughter anytime you need her. You have many friends to support you. Steven

Jayne Newton - 09/09/99 22:46:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2474/Chad_Gordon/chad.html
My Email:jayne@tcfatlanta.org

What a precious angel. For those of us who have lost our children...we continue to ask "Why?". All I can conclude is...Life will not go on in the same way without him. If it were the same, we could only conclude his life meant nothing, made no contribut on. The fact that he left behind a place that cannot be filled is a high tribute to the uniqueness of his soul. I feel this way about my son...and about all the children who left too soon. We have to live for them...through their spirits...and do what w are lead to do. Thank you so much for sharing Julianna with us...wishing you peace and precious memories. Hugs. Jayne (Chad's Mom)

Joyce Jackson - 09/09/99 16:47:12
My URL:http://urquhart house.com
My Email:joycejacks@aol.com

The pain is still there, but life goes on. I too lost my little girl when she was 6 years old in 1963. Your pain is my pain and I pray for your recovery. Heaven is sweeter with our little girls waiting for us. May God give you the strength to continu on, looking upward, and thanking Him for the short time that you had your presious child. With God's love. Joyce

Sandy Chester - 09/09/99 15:48:14
My Email:sanchest@yahoo.com

Dear friend, Your daughter is so beautiful! She reminds me of another little girl close to my heart who probably plays with Julianna in heaven. You have been blessed in many ways by the gift of your daughter. Love, Sandy Mother of Chase, Sister of Kamber Kay

vicki Richerson - 09/09/99 13:28:07
My Email:vickibrasell@hotmail.com

Julie, Just wanted to let you know that your always in my prays. vicki from Texas

Jill Miller - 09/09/99 13:20:19

Julie, I am back again. I said I was sorry for your loss; but I did not say I was happy for your gain. You have gained an experience and love that will forever be in your heart. I have never been so touched as I was by sweet little Julianna's webpage. M printer is broke so I have sent this to Jinks so that she may print it out for mom. Mom and I did not know all that you were going through and that your little sweetheart had passed over to the perfect world. As I sat talking to her on the phone, we crie together. She loves you like a daughter..time does not change somethings. I love you as the best friend I EVER had..time will definitely never change that. You are in our hearts and prayers. God bless you and your family. Love, Jill

Mary Catherine - 09/09/99 13:19:05
My URL:http://www.chucksinheaven.cjb.net/
My Email:mcjones@msc.net

I was so happy when I got home and found your welcome message that you had done some more work on Our Baby Girl's web site. The new pictures are so precious. What an incredible little dolly she IS. Just wondering if you gave the eulogy yourself. Sound as though you did. I know there must be a great deal of comfort in knowing that Julianna Marie (such a beautiful name!) is now able to do all the things you longed for her to be able to do here on earth, but I also know that you have to miss her somethi g awful. My heart is with you, Julie, and all of yours...

Jill Miller - 09/09/99 11:31:00
My Email:Sammie4897@aol.com

I am sorry I did not get to know your daughter as I knew you. She had to be wonderful, being a part of you. She will be your little guardian angel now. I am very very sorry for your lost. Love, Jill

Laurie Myers - 09/09/99 02:50:22
My URL:/Heartland/Hollow/4764
My Email:mmsmom@webtv.net

Julie, Thank you, once again, for sharing your Julianna with me and everyone who has the privilege to come here. Her beauty radiates and your love is apparent in every word written here. My love to you, dear friend. Laurie**Marissa's Mommy**

BILLY ANDREWS - 09/08/99 13:01:33
My Email:MACKANN @aol.com

-Aunt Julie miss you

Ivette M. R. - 09/08/99 02:22:24
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/ivette05/index.html
My Email:Ivette05@aol.com

Praise God I received this beautiful page and I cry so much it hurts me still. I ask God to keep you strong but I see that He has you their already praise God. I lose my mom 2 years ago and if it wasn't for our Jesus I don't know what would I have done. G d is good all the time and He's never late He is always on time. We have a mighty God. Keep the Faith and never leave your Jesus for nobody no matter what. With this web page of yours I know that the person that reads it will give their heart to the Lord. People needs to know even the people who do bad to their kid's they need to know that God gives us kid's to love not to abuse. Sister I'm sorry for your loss but remember that Jesus used your beautiful baby girl so you can love other children who need's l ve, kisses and hugs from you. May God bless you sister and I will have you in my prayers. Love Sister Ivette

Joyce - 09/07/99 13:56:21
My Email:Mammalu@aol.com

Just beautiful - I have sent it to all my e-mail friends.

Kat288 - 09/06/99 23:01:08
My Email:kat288@aol.com

Mky prayers are with your family.

emily - 09/05/99 07:05:20
My Email:em9909@aol.com

love the newsletter!! keep up the good work

Mary - 09/05/99 02:49:20
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Maritherese

You're right, she is beautiful!!! Thank-you for sharing her story.

JORGE H. NODA - 09/04/99 00:51:00
My Email:JNODA44792@AOL.COM


Sandee - 09/03/99 19:24:14
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/pentrex
My Email:pentrex@aol.com

A friend sent me your page. May the comfort of our precious Lord continue to ease your pain. God Bless you always. ~Sandee, Inspired Art

Julie - 09/03/99 19:15:05
My Email:JCAngel2u@aol.com

Wow! She is so beautiful! I have a 3 yr. old girl and she would have loved to play with her and give her hugs and kisses. God Bless You!

Donna Marie Orlando - 09/03/99 16:57:54
My Email:D25mo@AOL.com

We share a name, we share Motherhood, we share the pain of being told our baby is very ill, we share a deep belief in God and his blessing. I was blessed my sons have grown into stong young men. I am touched deeply by your story... I have been lost late y and you and your little Angel have reminded me what God has done in my life, and what I, with Him, can do in the lives of others. Thank you, God Bless you always

Bob Thompson - 09/03/99 16:25:17
My Email:lthomp123@aol.com

This is absolutely beautiful. The music and text are so perfect -- I could spend hours listening and reading again the wondrous story of Jesus. Thank you.

Michele - 09/03/99 15:45:51
My URL:http://www;geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/6245/index.html
My Email:Mickie-29@webtv.net

Thank you so very much for sharing your little angel with me. The tears that i shed are not only for your loss but also for the knowledge that your percious little girl graced this earth and touched so many people and that she is now up in heaven where sh is looking and watching all of us who didnt have the opportunity to meet her. She as well as you and your family will always have a special place in my heart. I have 5 little boys who when then they get home from school today will also get to know your a gel. Thank you so much for sharing this site. Forever in my thoughts and prayers..........Michele

kobie - 09/03/99 15:03:33
My Email:loving8888@aol.com

thinking of you and how wonderful your dedication is ........love knows no bounds...

- 09/03/99 14:24:45


judy gumbus - 09/03/99 13:59:20
My Email:pankiesmom@webtv.net

Thank you for sharing with us all

wava smalley - 09/03/99 09:14:37
My Email:wavafrmo@wbtv.net

i love these pages.could spend hours reading them god bless you

Kelly Ryan-Edwards - 08/24/99 23:07:27
My Email:BKBMB@aol.com

Julianna, I came to see your page again to tell you and your family Hi... I think about you every night and how god and his angels are looking out for you and are rocking and singing to you as you go to sleep... We will always miss you... Love Kelly(a friend you never got to meet in person only in Spirit)

Kelly Ryan-Edwards - 08/13/99 01:55:36
My Email:BKBMB@aol.com

I never got the chance to meet you in person but you will be in our hearts and prayers forever and some day we will meet again.. Julianna you gave so much joy and caring to us and your own family.. Your MOM has become a wonderful person and we will never forget you. GOD BLESS YOU AND THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE WHEN YOU WERE WE WILL SEE YOU AGAIN BUT YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN OUR HEARTS WITH MUCH LOVE KELLY & MEAGN & BILLY & BOBBY

Mommie - 08/06/99 06:26:19

Dear, dear Julianna, I don't know why I missed you so much this week. But I did. I did , I did, I did. I missed you with my whole heart and body, and your brother and sisters do not understand. Your father misses you in his own way, but he is here for me when I need him! I love you and I miss you and I don't know how to let you go on and let me live again I didn't know how to live before you were born, how do I live now? You did change me. You made me better. But in my grief I am nothing. But when I am living and serving I am you. Help me live. For you. Love, mommie I love you sweetie pie, and I miss you. Pray for me, little angel baby, pray for me.

Adaline & Herb Leir - 08/03/99 16:42:02
My Email:tcf.regina@sk.sympatico.ca

Dear Julie & Don, Thank you for sharing your beautifu site with us. Julianna Marie is truly a gift from God and she had left you with so much. We too, are parents who received a gift from God when our daughter, Kimberley, was born, lived and died. Our precious children one too soon, but never, ever forgotten. May the memories become more gentle each day for you and your family. With Hugs & our love.

Jared Orlando - 08/02/99 22:10:25
My Email:PeeWee@Petronet.com

Dear Aunt Julie, This is Jared Orlando.I wanted to tell you I loved Julianna like my sister and I know she gone but she is still in our hearts.I miss her so much.But I know God wanted her so he took her. God has a special place for all of us in heaven. She will be taken c re of.

Miranda - 08/02/99 22:07:24
My Email:switzer1@home.com

Julie - what a lovely website. Thank you so much for sharing Julianna and her story - I was very moved and very glad to have read it! I like you believe that I will see my son again too!!

Kandi - 08/02/99 07:35:48
My URL:http://www2.itexas.net./~hghaby/venetia.htm
My Email:hghaby@itexas.net

Julie, What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful child. I am looking forward to hearing the music with the song. With God's Peace, Kandi

Julie - 08/02/99 05:24:16

I miss you little girl. Come to me in my dreams tonight. That I may see you. Love Mommie

parkersmom - 08/02/99 05:06:31
My Email:angel61995@yahoo.com

Sweet dreams precious angel. Have fun playing in heaven until your mommy can hold you again. What a brave little girl. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, angel95-parker's mom

Mary Catherine Jones - 08/01/99 12:46:37
My URL:http://www.chucksinheaven.cjb.net/
My Email:mcjones@msc.net

What do I say to you. For once in my life I am at an absolute loss for words. Beautiful is too weak and simple a word. Oh, Julie, it is incredible--just absolutely PERFECT. How blessed you have to feel!!!!!! Michael's crown in Heaven will be too heav for him to hold. PLEASE THANK HIM FOR ME FROM THE VERY, VERY BOTTOM OF MY WEEPING HEART!!!!!! SOON, IT WILL BE HERE, I PRAY, SOON......... I love you, too.

Marilyn Cantrell - 08/01/99 02:54:51
My Email:jkt@semo.net

hi julie0, i'm kaitlinsmom, your julianna is very precious, feel free to email me anytime. Sometimes the most understanding you can get on the net is via email. Only God can soften a heart. Our job is to be faithful to Him. People can get very hostile and that hardens their heart,Bye, from your christian sister, Kaitl

Justin Orlando - 08/01/99 02:13:27
My Email:www.peewee@petronet.net


"buddy" - 08/01/99 00:42:41
My Email:buddy@microlink.net


Tammi - 07/31/99 02:45:21
My Email:bobo13@gateway.net

Thank you SO much for sharing Julianne with me. I lost my daughter july 13th 98 at birth and I believe she is in the arms of christ and has also worked miricles for our family. My heart goes our to you and your family, my prayers too. thank you again..

Cathy Hroncich - 07/30/99 23:44:19
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/8537
My Email:CathyH823@aol.com

Julie, I just visited Julianna's page again to see the new pictures that you added. Oh my, she does have a lot of hair. When the picture was loading I thought for a second it was my Brianna. Thank you for adding more photos and for sharing her with me. Love and Hugs to You Always, (((((((JULIE))))))) Cathy (Briannasmom)

Julie Orlando - 07/30/99 16:21:19

Thank you all so much for coming and caring. It makes me feel good when I read the guestbook. I have more pics coming. I have to resize them all to reduce loading time. Thanks again. God's peace be with you. Julie

Gina - 07/30/99 14:52:39
My Email:GLDiStefan@aol.com

I am a friend of Mary Catherine's...she sent me your site. I am not yet a mother, so I can only imagine how heartbreaking this must have been for you. Your little Julianna was precious...she looked like a little doll! I started to view your site yester ay at work and had to stop because I was in tears at my desk. I wasn't able to view it at home, but got through the rest of that page this morning. My heart just broke hearing of everything you endured. It is so generous of you to give of yourself this way to possibly bring some comfort to others who may be suffering the heartbreak of losing a child. I give you so much credit. I think you are an absolutely amazing person to handle your loss with such grace. Not many people would be able to find that trength within themselves. I hope it was of some comfort to you to have held her in your arms up to the end. My father passed away in February. My mother, my sister, and myself were there, at the hospital, the entire day and were in the room to say our goodbyes, and they let us stay as long as we needed to when he was gone. That was of some comfort to me. God bless you both for being the parents you were to her and for cherishing every moment you had with her.

Terresa Showalter - 07/30/99 04:26:18
My Email:showalter5@msc.net

Julie, What a blessing your website was to me. Mary Catherine Jones sent it to me, and I was so inspired. We, too, lost a son nearly 9 years ago, and never stop missing him, even for a day, but like you take great comfort in knowing that he is now perf ctly healed and in God's presence. He was born with several congenital heart defects and died during a procedure to correct one of them. He was just beginning to walk and was the healthiest and happiest he'd ever been. Your site is both a tribute to a eautiful gift of God, as well as a tribute to the gift giver. I can relate to many of the comments you made in your story about Julianna, and how losing a child can be a blessing, as difficult as that is for some to understand. We HAVE to look at things from an eternal perspective, and Joel changed our lives in wonderful ways by bringing us closer to our Lord, Jesus Christ, also. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. God bless you and your family!!!

Laurie Myers - 07/30/99 03:47:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/4764
My Email:mmsmom@webtv.net

Julie, I came to visit your sweetheart baby girl and re-read your encouraging words for we bereaved Mommies. The new pictures are beautiful!!! I wish to thank you once again for sharing your beautiful Angel with me and for also sharing your strength in he Lord. Just as your sweet baby girl touched so many lives, so are you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love, Laurie

Geneva B. - 07/30/99 00:18:50
My Email:geneva@pacific.net

What an all-inspiring story you shared with everyone. GOD Blessed you in so many ways,May He continue to Bless you & your family. Thank-you for telling your story. I loved how you said Julianna was born again in heaven. She is waiting there, where there i no more pain, for her family. In Christian Love,

Yolonda Moore - 07/29/99 18:13:54
My URL:http://www.kimberlymoore.org
My Email:yomoore@yahoo.com

I just viewed your precious baby's web page. My friend, Mary Catherine, told me about it. My daughter was killed in a car wreck on Nov. 14, 1997. She was 18. I know there are no words to truly describe this loss we both know so well. I only want to say I are and understand. I pray for peace for you. Your site is a lovely and loving tribute to your baby. Love is forever.

Mary Catherine "mary" - 07/29/99 15:41:54
My URL:http://www.chucksinheaven.cjb.net/
My Email:mcjones@msc.net

Oh, Julie... Thank you so very much for adding the precious pictures of "our" little angel to your web site. I am anxiously awaiting the other pictures as well. As I have told you before I just feel so "connected" to your precious little Gift From God! What I wouldn't give to be able to hold her myself as I just know my Chuck gets to do. You, too... Bless your heart. She is with our Lord and Savior for all eternity. What a grand and glorious place to be. It's just so hard, though, knowing how muc she is loved here and missed! Our time will come, Julie, our time will come... God be with you and yours always!

Debbie Duhon - 07/26/99 21:30:41

Julie, you have done a wonderful thing here. A place to come and see that little angel. The first time I came to the site, something happened and my computer kicked me out and I couldn't sign the book. I remember the last time she was here, and she was so cute. Keep up the good work with the site. I still remember what a moving service it was. I tell everyone how beautiful and loving it was. Love ya, Debbie

Karen Trahan - 07/24/99 00:51:12
My Email:mtrahan@aisp.net

Julie, I think of you often. This is such a beautiful tribute to Julianna. Take care, Karen

Lynne Sangster - 07/22/99 02:53:42
My Email:george@servcom.com

Thank you for sharing with me about the journey of your little one. It was healing for me to read about her life trek. It is nice to know she can live in peace now. Lynne

Jeff - 07/17/99 04:22:18
My URL:http://www.o-c-s.com/epilepsy
My Email:jmorgan@one.net

Hi Julie!

Sharon Bryant (Scookie) - 07/14/99 01:20:48
My Email:1946@bellsouth.net

Julieo, This is so pretty......so nice.

Mary Catherine Jones - 07/10/99 10:37:41
My URL:http://www.chucksinheaven.cjb.net/
My Email:mcjones@msc.net

Couldn't sleep this morning and wanted to visit again with Julianna. I feel blessed each and every time that I am here to share your precious baby girl and her little life with you. The Gates of Heaven flew open wide when she arrived...

Laurie Myers - 07/09/99 17:29:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/4764
My Email:mmsmom@webtv.net

Julie, I sit here with tears streaming down my cheeks as I visit your sweetheart baby girl. What a perfect little beauty! Your words are inspirational to a Mommy's broken heart. Thank you, Julie. You are correct, it is in perspection. I battle daily, moment to moment, to find comfort for my aching heart. I will visit your beautiful memorial often to find this comfort. You are truly a courageous Mommy and I thank God for leading me to you. I know that in Heaven our baby girls are laughing and playin , rejoicing in God's perfect light. Tears are only of this world, not the next. The prayer that you wrote is no less than awesome. I will borrow it, if you don't mind. I would like to use it for Marissa's Heaven's Day (her first anniversary of enterin Heaven is Aug 6th). I call it her Heaven's Day because she was "born" into Heaven that day...and for her, what Glory! My grief has taught me that I am selfish. I am selfish because my tears are for myself...why cry for a soul set free? I long for my arling baby girl, but in Heaven there is no longing. There is only bliss. Julie, dear "fwend", you and your sweet baby girl are an inspiration. Yes, God is pleased with you. You are doing his work and I thank you from the bottom of my Mommy's broken h art. I also thank you for sharing this most precious child with me. Yes, she is beautiful! My love to you, "fwend", Laurie

Carly - 07/09/99 05:58:54

Dear Jesus, I want you to know that I miss my sister very much, and if I could have her in my dreams once in a while. I never had one. And I love her and you all and my family I think that ya'll are the nicest people in the world even my family. And, I want you to give me a dream tonight about Julianna. Dear Julianna, I miss you very much and I want you to know that I love you very, very, very, much. And, you were very, very cute. Dear Jesus and Julianna, I think ya'll are very, very nice. And I am glad Jesus made all of us and died on the cross so that everybody can have a home in heaven. Amen. Love, Carly Anne Orlando (wooger-wooger)

kaleigh - 07/09/99 05:50:10

dear, miss julie the most exciting time of my life is when I come to your house and see Julianna,s face she was precious I loved her and I love you and your family and you will stay in my heart. love Kaleigh

Billy a. - 07/07/99 15:55:17
My Email:MACKANN@ aol.com

Aunt Julie- l miss you!

- 07/07/99 15:51:55


Melissa Maraist - 07/07/99 02:21:15
My Email:r.maraist@worldnet.att.net

Hi Julie! Your guestbook is so nice! Julianna is so beautiful! I hope we get to visit again soon! All our love, Rick, Melissa, Brett, Brittany and Brooke

Mary Catherine Jones - 06/29/99 01:34:16
My URL:http://www.chucksinheaven.cjb.net/
My Email:mcjones@msc.net

Oh, Julie, the story of Julianna's young life was, without question, the most inspiring and touching tribute to one of "our children" that it has ever been my privilege to read! Thank you so very much for sharing that with us! I not only can relate to y u because I had to give back a child of my own, but because I have a precious granddaughter, who too, was born with many problems (both physical and mental) in her life. She too was on the ketogenic diet for awhile but it did not help her seizures. In s ite of Julianna's premature death she was a very blessed to say nothing of "beautiful" little child. She has a mommy who was "chosen" above all others... I know in my heart of hearts that she smiles on you constantly! And the warmth of that precious sm le. Your testimony to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ left me in tears. You are a remarkable woman... God bless you and yours FOREVER!

Meghi (from TCF Childloss Sharing Room) - 06/28/99 19:25:30
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ut/chatwinfamily/alissabeth.html
My Email:camchat@yahoo.com

Julie, What a beautiful little girl! How blessed you've been to have Julianna in your life. It's healthy to weep, but remember, Julianna watches over you day and night as your personal gaurdian angel now. The sunshine in your smile and the ring of your la ghter will bring her joy...she wants you to be happy. May you find peace in the knowledge that she's preparing a place for you in your Heavenly Father's Kingdom. HUGS!!!! Meghi

Alysia - 06/23/99 04:08:49
My Email:alysia_sha2@yahoo.com

Julie, It's a great site. The picture is beautiful. And the words to the song are perfect for litte ones in Heaven.

Alana mayon - 06/21/99 02:48:11
My Email:snaap@teche.net

Hey M.rs Julie it is just me see you later . I say a pray for you and julianna BYE.... LOVE YOU.

Kay Bouanchaud - 06/20/99 00:47:56
My Email:MadisonBouanchau @aol.com


Kasey - 06/16/99 20:43:37
My Email:kasey@builtonarock.com

Julie, Thank you for sharing your daughter with me. She is a beautiful little girl. I know that she is up running and jumping with my Hayley right now. Ya know what???? Jesus has on his sneakers not only to to chase after my Hayley but after Julianna s well. Just imagine. :-))) God Bless You!!

Carol - 06/12/99 06:10:35
My Email:cmadd50779@aol.com

What a beautiful little girl. I know you must miss her alot.

Krista - 06/12/99 03:41:32
My Email:Cierrababee@webtv.net

I am sitting her crying, your little angel was a fighter till the end. I pray for your stength. Great job on you web page. Hugs Cierra's mom Krista

Krista - 06/12/99 03:19:25
My Email:Cierrababee@webtv.net

I am sitting her crying, your little angel was a fighter till the end. I pray for your stength. Great job on you web page. Hugs Cierra's mom Krista

jude orlando - 06/11/99 03:20:54
My Email:orlando@petronet.net

I am the old brother of julianna i was the stimulator of julianna she gave me god i will never forget about her and her love god had a plan for her to give all of us god's love

Kristen Chauvin - 06/11/99 02:46:08
My Email:annamvl@hotmail.com

I am Kristen Chauvin, I was Julianna's neighbor and adopted stepsister, because Ms. Julie, let me come over and help when I wanted too. She even made me match socks! However, I really wanted to help her with Julianna, so she could clean the kitchen or c ok supper when Julianna needed to be fed. I was 11 years old and Ms. Julie and Christie showed me how to feed her, and take care of her so they could have quality time together, with help. I would call everyday, to see if Ms. Julie needed me to feed her She taught me how to g-tube feed her, and my mother. We gave Ms. Julie a needed break, to be with her other children. We loved Julianna, as if she was my own sister. We miss her, and ask her to watch over all of us as we reach for heaven ourselves. Julianna, I love you Kristen! :))

Maryellen - 06/09/99 04:13:47
My Email:KweenMary1@aol.com

Just wanted you to know .... you did a wonderful job with your web page. Your little angel would be so proud. You have touch my heart with your story and your song is beautiful. May you find peace and joy.

Julie Orlando - 06/08/99 03:39:24
My Email:orlando@petronet.net

Dear Julianna, We love you and miss you so much. The way you liked to cuddle and sleep with us. The way you called me in your own special way. The way you looked and smelled. The way you drew people to you just by being you. You were our little doll doll, and we wi l always hold you in a most special place in our hearts. Pray for us, that we might find happiness while you are apart from us, pray that we are strengthened in our sorrow. Be happy there in heaven, sing and play, laugh and hug all whom you meet. Give he Lord a hug from us to him. And call home anytime you want too! Be at peace my baby! No more tears for you, my girl. Hooray, for Julianna. You are Forever in Perfection aren't you sweetie girl of mine. I love you, and daddy and Jude and Christie an Carly love you. Come to us in our dreams that we may see you in all your glory! love, Mommie

Cathy Hroncich - 06/08/99 02:22:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/8537
My Email:CathyH823@aol.com

Julie and Don, I sit here with tears streaming down my face. Julianna's story touched me so very much. You can certainly see how very much she is loved by her family. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love and Hugs, Cathy (Briannasmom) br>
Christie Orlando - 06/02/99 19:35:35
My Email:orlando@petronet.net

I was Julianna's oldest sister. I would watch her by myself. I am 10 years old. She taught me alot about medical conditions, like seizures and all that. She also taught me how to love somebody that is special and different. I know that she is happy n w. I miss her very much.

Christie Orlando - 06/02/99 18:08:30
My Email:orlando@petronet.net

I was Julianna's oldest sister. I would watch her by myself. I am 10 years old. She taught me alot about medical conditions, like seizures and all that. She also taught me how to love somebody that is special and different. I know that she is happy n w. I miss her very much.

Christie Orlando - 06/01/99 19:19:59
My Email:orlando@petronet.net

I was Julianna's oldest sister. I would watch her by myself. I am 10 years old. She taught me alot about medical conditions, like seizures and all that. She also taught me how to love somebody that is special and different. I know that she is happy n w. I miss her very much.

Christie Orlando - 06/01/99 19:19:41

I was Julianna's oldest sister. I would watch her by myself. I am 10 years old. She taught me alot about medical conditions, like seizures and all that. She also taught me how to love somebody that is special and different. I know that she is happy n w. I miss her very much.

Christie Orlando - 06/01/99 15:26:56

I was Julianna's oldest sister. I would watch her by myself. I am 10 years old. She taught me alot about medical conditions, like seizures and all that. She also taught me how to love somebody that is special and different. I know that she is happy n w. I miss her very much.

Josie Aimee Orlando - 05/31/99 23:32:18
My Email:jao6682@aol.com

I am Julianna's oldest cousin, and I feel priviledged to have had the opportunity to watch her grow and reveal to our family what is truly important in life. I will love and remember her forever.

Mary Catherine - 05/22/99 13:10:20
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Psalm684/heaven.html
My Email:mcjones@msc.net

I am back again this beautiful morning to look at "our precious little Julianna" again. She remains in my thoughts and in my prayers each and every single day. My son, Chuck, so loved little children, Julie. His sister was expecting his first little ni ce in 6 months when he was killed. He was SO looking forward to being an uncle--Uncle Chuckie. I just know in my heart of hearts that he has adopted your "our" precious little angel, Julianna, and is showing her the time of her life. It gives me reason to smile and to be happy...

Julie Orlando - 05/21/99 02:19:08
My Email:orlando@petronet.net

Thank you all for coming by, I am updating the page regularly and would like any input. Ideas, poems you would like on the site, just let me know. Thanks again! :) Julie

"buddy" Carrie Pingleton - 05/12/99 05:12:43
My Email:TazWithWings@hotmail.com

julieo you are a wonderful person and so very lucky to have been blessed with this sweet gift. She will always live on in our hearts and our minds. with eternal love Carrie/Taz/buddy

Daria Mccloskey - 05/07/99 01:15:22
My Email:Dazalm@netscape.net

I'm Here and thinking of you. the song is beautiful and I'll print it. Love to know the music part-- I play many instruments. Thimking of you now and on Mother's Day. Love, and God's blessings, Daria.

Joe Whiting - 05/06/99 15:43:15
My URL:/athens/oracle/8201
My Email:whitiwj@usa.net

You've got a great start to your site Julie. And yes the music does work on it. I'll be checking back.

Cathy - 05/02/99 16:02:21
My URL:Under Construction
My Email:CathyH823@aol.com

Hi Julie, Just stopped in to check out your page and will be checking back to see how it is coming along. Your poem is very beautiful. Cathy - TCF Chat Briannasmom

Jackie Kinser - 05/01/99 13:35:03


Billy and Hilary Andrews - 05/01/99 01:14:02
My Email:MACKANN@aol.com

aunt julie- we will see you again in june because my mom's high school reunion is on june 21st. we will be there for almost a month. we hope we can visit a lot with you then. love, billy and hilary

Joe Whiting - 04/17/99 11:59:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/oracle/8201
My Email:whitiwj@usa.net

I love your start on this page Julie. I'll keep coming back to visit. Keep it up it's very uplifting.

Joann - 04/15/99 07:16:42
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/joann32/
My Email:joann@cancom.net

Hi, It worked this time for me. The words on your page is very touching and so beautiful. I know your heart is breaking, but please close your eyes and see your little angel and know she is with you always. The road is long but you have to walk it. You ha e met some wonderful people like yourself who understand your pain, they will help you. Any time you need my help or my ear or my shoulder please feel free to do so. Your little angel is right beside you to help you as well. Little kisses and hugs are so arm when you close your eyes and think back, you will be able to feel them and that will make you warm! Take care and thank you for sharing your little angel with me. Joann

cami - 04/15/99 03:14:29
My Email:slow1@baynet.net

thank you

Amy Deslattes - 04/12/99 14:53:13
My Email:adeslattes@stmary.k12.la.us

I love the page, Julie, and I will keep checking on your progress. It's a great tribute to Julianna. Love always, Amy

anna - 04/07/99 02:45:48
My Email:annamvl.com@hotmail.com

It's beautiful and yes it made me tear up like always :) keep up the awesome work and know that I love you and if you ever ever ever need me you know I'm here. We're finding out just how tough things can be on a body. Thank God for neighbors:) :) :) ) :) :) :) LOVE YA

Julie Orlando - 04/06/99 00:31:46
My Email:orlando@petronet.net

Welcome to my website. Please feel free to browse around. This website is in memory of our little girl. I miss her and want to be in contact with other parents. The webpage with her story is under construction. Won't be long. Thanks for coming by.

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