Dear Family and Friends,
From the day Julianna was born, I knew God was going to be
glorified through her. I told many people that I believed
that there was a miracle for Julianna. I watched, waited
and prayed.
What miracle did I want for her?
The same as anyone would. I wanted her to be healed of her
disability. I wanted to see her run and laugh. I wanted to
see her laugh and cry. I wanted her to talk. I wanted
her to smile at me. I wanted her to say Mommy and Daddy. I
wanted her to be healthy.
Four days ago, Julianna became very sick, very quickly. We
had no idea how serious this was going to be. We had to
face losing her and letting her go.
Julianna's little body could no longer sustain her. And I
wondered how was God going to perform this miracle I
believed in all along the way. How was he going to
manifest himself through Julianna?
God's ways are not always what we would choose. We would
have chosen that she get better and we take her home, but
God had a better plan. He let us see our miracle. He let
us be a part of the miracle.
We prayed for strength and guidance for three years. And
two days ago we prayed for more than that. We prayed for
Grace. Grace is a gift from God. Grace is facing an
uncontrollable event, with total trust and faith in His
Presence. God granted us Grace.
I walked into her room. All I could do was smile. I
smiled at her, kissed her, rubbed her hands and feet. I
told her what a joy she was and I told her what a blessing
she had been to us.
I was allowed to hold her in my arms until the very end.
All I could do was smile for Julianna. I sang to her and I
thanked her for being in our life.
I didn't cry then, all I did was breath in the moment of
her passing from this life into eternal life. There was
not a sound to be heard. Only peace. Our minds and mouths
were silent as this holy moment occurred.
Wrapped in her pink blanket and our arms, we bid our baby
girl goodbye.
The miracle was yet to happen.
When we told our children of our loss they grieved. For
10-15 minutes. Then they wanted to know what we would do
with her things. They thought perhaps we should give them
to someone with no money or insurance.
Then they wanted to know about what happens now. Before we
could speak they all started talking about how she was
"She can walk and talk now!"
"She doesn't have anymore kidney stones"
Julianna won't ever have a seizure again!!
She's laughing and singing.
She can have candy and won't get any cavities.
She's an angel now.
She's with Paw Paw Gayle & Maw Maw Yvonne.
Carly said "You know mommy", I bet when Julianna got to
Heaven, Jesus gave her the other half of her chromosome.
I said "I know he did!"
People have gone beyond the limits of neighborly
friendships. People have come running out of genuine love.
Love for Julianna and love for us.
Didn't Jesus say love was the greatest thing of all.
Our miracle was in having Julianna Marie on December 18,
1995. Because from that day on she brought love & life.
God loaned Julianna to all of us. Everyone who saw her,
and especially those of us who were fortunate enough to
know, became witness to the miracle. Julianna is
surrounded by an aura of love from birth and even now in
her death. Her spirit is among us.
We can see her running and playing. We can see her
laughing and twirling around. She is in awe of her
transformation. She is amazed at God's goodness. She
wants to share even that. I feel her next to me tugging at
my heart.
"Look at me, mommy, Look at me!"
I don't have to tell you what the miracle was. You are a
part of it now. The miracle is in this moment. All of you
being a part of a celebration of life. A new life in a new
body. We are the miracle. Our ability to send her to the
Lord with grace and dignity. With Trust and Love. With
Praise and Thanksgiving. She is, and always has been
a child of God.
Thank you.
By Julie Orlando