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Welcome To

The Chisum Family
Of Nacogdoches County, Texas


Brought to you from
Kae's Korner


This information eas taken from the Book on the Cureton Family by S. Kae Partin and is copyright material.  No reproduction of any kind is permitted.

Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Sr., son of Elijah Chisum, was born ca. 1773 in Virginia and died April 1860 of pneumonia in Nacogdoches County, Texas. He was married twice before his marriage to Salina A. Briley.

Salina A. Briley, daughter of Mrs. _______ Anderson and Sherick Briley, born ca. 1805 in Tennessee and married 1st. Elijah Nesbett, Sr. and 2nd. Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Sr., married in Madison County, Tennessee. 

Salina A. Briley, was born ca. 1805 in Tennessee and died February  1880 and is buried in Jacob's Chapel Cemetery in Nacogdoches County, Texas.  She was married before her marriage to Elijah K. Chisum, Sr. to a Mr. ____ Nesbit and had the known following children:

A. Margaret Nesbit, born ca. 1823 in Tennessee and married James Madison Chisum, her step-brother who was born ca. 1823 in Mississippi and died sometime before 1860 in Nacogdoches County, Texas. 

In the 1850 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas Elijah Chisum and his family is listed as follows:
Elijah Chisum  77  M  Farmer  Virginia
Salina   45  F    Tennessee
Thomason   14 M   Tennessee
Rebecca   12  F   Texas
Andrew    5 M    Texas

In the 1860 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas Salina A. Briley Nesbit Chisum is a widow and is listed as follows: 

Melrose Beat 3-C: 437-477
Salina A. Chisum  36 F  W  Farming   Tennessee
Jefferson    25  M  W  Farmer  Tennessee
Jackson    14  M  W    Tennessee 

Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Sr.'s children from 1st wife:

1. John Chisum, born 12 April 1807.
2. Mary C. Chisum, born 1 August 1808 in Tennessee married James Jacobs.
3. William P. Chisum, born 10 December 1810 in Tennessee, married Louisa Brimberry.
4. Isham Russell Chisum, born 18 December 1812 in Tennessee.
6. Gillington Chisum, born 20 December 1816 in Tennessee.
7. Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Jr., born 21 February 1815 in Tennessee. 

Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Sr.'s children from 2nd wife: 

1. James Madison Chisum, born ca. 1823 in Mississippi, married Margaret Nesbit, his step-sister.
2. Claiborne Chisum, born ca. April 1820 in Mississippi, married Elizabeth Alders on 28 June 1860 in Nacogdoches County, Texas. 

Children of Salina A. Briley and Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Sr.:

1. Thomason Jefferson Chisum, born 1836 in Tennessee, married Matilida E. Chapman on 5 December 1861.
2. Rebecca Jane Chisum, born ca. 1838 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
3. Andrew Jackson Chisum, born 6 January 1845 in Woden, Texas and died 8 February 1918 and is buried in Jacobs Chapel Cemetery.  He married Arrena Laura Farrell Little, widow of Benjamin A. Little, on 1 November 1868 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.  He served in Co. K., Texas Volunteer Infantry and in Co. A., 11th Texas nfantry. 

2.  Mary C. Chisum, daughter of Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Sr.'s first marriage, was born 1 August 1808 in Tennessee married James Jacobs.  She died between 1870-1880 in Nacogdoches County, Texas and was probably buried in Jacobs Chapel Cemetery in Nacogdoches County.

James Jacobs, son of Nancy Isabell and William Jacobs, was born 15 June 1805 in Virginia, and died 22 December 1888 in Nacogdoches County, Texas and is buried in Jacobs Chapel Cemetery in Nacogdoches County.

In the 1850 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas they appear as follows:
James Jacobs  44  M   Farmer  Virginia
Mary    42  F    Tennessee
Elijah   21  M   Tennessee
William 19 M   Tennessee
John    17   M    Tennessee
Madison    15  M    Tennessee
Clabourn 13  M   Tennessee
Russell   11  M    Texas
Martha    9  F    Texas
Johnson    6  M    Texas
Semmaranies    4  F    Texas
Mary    2  F    Texas
James     2/12  M    Texas
Clabourn Chisum   31  M  Farmer   Mississippi

James Jacobs also appears in the 1854 School Census of Nacogdoches County; and 1857, 1861 and 1862 Tax Lists.  He is listed again in the 1867 Voters Registration.  James served in the Confederate States Army and tool Amnesty Oath # 891.
In the 1860 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas they are listed as follows: 

Melrose Beat 3-C: 484-474
James Jacobs  55  M  W  Farmer   Virginia
Mary    40  F  W  Housekeeper  Tennessee
William   31  M  W  Farming   Tennessee
Madison   24  M  W  Trader   Tennessee
Martha   16  F  W  Housekeeper   Texas
A.J. Johnson   14  M  W    Texas
Ann    12  F  W    Texas
Camilla    10  F  W  Texas
Kaufman Johnson   8   M   W    Texas
C.L. Chandler  25  M  W    Texas
Samuel Chisum    8  M  W    Texas
Rebecca Chisum    6  F  W    Texas
Nancy Chisum   10  F  W    Texas
John Chisum    4  M  W    Texas

In the 1880 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas they appear as follows: 
Precinct # 3: 83-83
James Jacobs   Head  75  M W  Farmer    Virginia
Mary   Grand-daughter  18  F W  Housekeeper  Texas
Anna     Grand-daughter  16  F W  Housekeeper  Texas
Sam Moses    11  M W   Texas

Children of Mary C. Chisum and James Jacobs:
1.  Edward Elijah Jacobs, born 4 January 1829 in Tennessee.
2.  William Jacobs, born ca. 1831 in Tennessee.
3.  John H. Jacobs, born ca. 1833 in Tennessee.
4.  Madison Jacobs, born ca. 1835 in Tennessee.
5.  Claiborne Jacobs, born ca. 1836 in Tennessee.
6.  Russell Jacobs, born 8 February 1839 in Woden, Nacogdoches County, Texas.
7. Martha E. Jacobs, born ca. 1841 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
8. Thomas Jefferson Jacobs, born ca. 1844 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
9.  Ann Jacobs, born ca. 1848 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
10.  Camilla Jacobs, born 18 February 1948 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
11. Kaufman Jacobs, born ca. 1852 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.

3.  William P. Chisum, son of Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Sr.'s first marriage, was born 10 December 1810 in Tennessee, married Louisa Brimberry. Louisa Brimberry Chisum died before 1860.

In the 1860 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas William is a widow and living in his sister and brother-in-laws home, as follows: 

Melrose Beat 3-C:  484-474
James Jacobs  55   M  W  Farmer   Virginia
Mary    40  F  W  Housekeeper  Tennessee
William   31  M  W  Farming  Tennessee
Madison   24  M  W  Trader  Tennessee
Martha   16  F  W  Housekeeper  Texas
A.J. Johnson  14  M  W    Texas
Ann   12  F  W    Texas
Camilla    10  F  W   Texas
Kaufman Johnson   8  M  W    Texas
C.L. Chandler   25  M  W    Texas
Samuel Chisum    8  M  W    Texas
Rebecca Chisum   6  F  W    Texas
Nancy Chisum   10  F  W    Texas
John Chisum   4  M  W   Texas 

Children of Louisa Brimberry and William P. Chisum:

1. Mary Elizabeth Chisum, born ca. 1840 in Nacogdoches County, Texas and married James Singleton Alders on 13 January 1859 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.

2. James Anderson Chisum, married Mary Emily Chisum, his  first cousin and daughter of Mary Walling and Isham  Russell Chisum. on 16 November 1869 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.  James Anderson Chisum, born 19 July 1844 and died 10 June 1930 in Winters, Texas. 

3. Martha Chisum, born 19 September 1846 in Nacogdoches County, Texas and died 11 October 1934; married Melvie Mathews on 5 January 1865 in Nacogdoches County, Texas; buried at Jacob's Chapel.

4. Nancy J. Chisum, born ca. 1850 in Nacogdoches County, Texas and married Radford Berry Skillern, son of Lucinda White and Isaac Skillern; he was born 25 December 1841 and died 6 July 1924; C.S.A. Co. A., 11th Texas Regiment; buried in Skillern Family Cemetery in Nacogdoches County, Texas.

5. Samuel Elijah Chisum, born ca. 1852 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.

6. Rebecca Chisum, born ca. 1854 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.

7. John Chisum, born ca. 1856 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.

8. William Craig Chisum, born ca. 1842 in Nacogdoches County, Texas and died during the Civil War while serving in Co.K., Texas Volunteer Infantry, of measles. 

4. Isham Russell Chisum, son of Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Sr.'s first marriage,  was born 18 December 1812 in Tennessee. He married Mary Walling.

1. Mary Emily Chisum, married James Anderson Chisum, son of William P. Chisum, on 16 November 1869 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.  James Anderson Chisum, born 19 July 1844 and died 10 June 1930 in Winters, Texas. 

8. James Madison Chisum, son of Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Sr.'s second marriage, was born ca. 1823 in Mississippi and married Margaret Nesbit, daughter of Salina A. Briley Nesbit, his step-mother.  James Madison died sometime between 1859 and 1860 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.

Margaret Nesbit, born ca. 1823 in Tennessee, and was the daughter of Salina A. Briley Nesbit's first marriage.

In the 1860 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas Margaret A. Nesbit Chisum is a widow and is listed living next door to her Mother Salina A. Briley Nesbit Chisum, who is also a widow. 

Melrose Beat 3-C: 488-478
Margaret A. Chisum   36   F   W   Farming   Alabama
Henry P.   16  M  W  Farmer  Texas
James M.   14  M  W    Texas
Elijah K.   12  M  W   Texas
Andrew J.   10  M  W   Texas
Mary S.    7  F  W   Texas
Martha E.    1  F  W   Texas 

Children of Margaret Nesbit & James Madison Chisum: 

1. Henry P. Chisum, born ca. 1844 in Texas.
2. James Monroe Chisum, born ca. 1846 in Texas; Confederate Amnesty Oath 16 July 1866. 3. Elijah Kaufman Chisum, born ca. 1848 in Texas.
4. Andrew J. Chisum, born ca. 1850.
5. Mary S. Chisum, born 1853 in Texas. 6. Martha C. Chisum, born ca. 1859 in Texas.  *

9. Claiborne C. Chisum, son of Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Sr.'s second marriage,  was born ca. April 1820 in Mississippi, and died 21 February 1873 in Cooke County, Texas.  He married Elizabeth Alders on 28 June 1860 in Nacogdoches County, Texas. Elizabeth Alders was the daughter of Lucy Jacobs and Thomas Alders.  She was born ca. 1829 in Tennessee. Claiborne served in the Confederate States Army in Co. B., 3rd Brigade of the Texas State Troops.  He took the Amnesty Oath on 18 July 1866. He appears in the 1850, 1860, 1870 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas and in the 1861 & 1862 Tax Lists, as well as the 1867 Voters Registration for Nacogdoches County, Texas.

In 1850 when the Census was taken he was living with his Brother-in-law and sister, Mary Chisum and James Jacobs.

In the 1860 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas they are listed as follows: 
Melrose Beat 3-c: 491-181
C.C. Chisum  36  M  W  Farmer  Mississippi
Elizabeth   31  F  W  Housekeeper  Tennessee 

10. Thomason Jefferson Chisum, son of Salina A. Briley Nesbit and Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Sr., was born 1836 in Tennessee, and married Matilida E. Chapman on 5 December 1861 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.

Thomas Appeared on the 1861 & 1862 Tax Lists of Nacogdoches County, Texas.  But, with the onset of the events leading to the Civil War Thomas Jefferson Chisum took his family and fled to Mexico to avoid the War. 

12. Andrew Jackson Chisum, son of Salina A. Briley Nesbit and Elijah Kaufman Chisum, Sr., was  born 6 January 1845 in Woden, Texas and died 8 February 1918 and is buried in Jacobs Chapel Cemetery.  

He married Arrena Laura Farrell Little, widow of Benjamin A. Little, on 1 November 1868 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.  Laura was born ca. 1846 in Alabama.

Andrew served in the Confederate States Army in both Co. K., Texas Volunteer Infantry and in Co. A., 11th Texas Infantry.  His Amnesty Oath was # 890 and he received both Confederate Pension # 18179 and Confederate Morturary Warrant # 690.  He also is listed on the 1870 Muster Roll of Nacogdoches County.

In the 1867 Voters Registration he indicated that he had been in the County 22 years, which was correct since he was 22 years old and had been born in Nacogdoches County, Texas.

In the 1880 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas he appears as follows:  Pricint # 3: 77-77
James Anderson Chisum  head  35 MW Farmer  Texas
Laura   wife  34 FW Housekeeper Alabama
Thomas    son  10 MW   Texas
William   son   8 MW    Texas
Edna    dgt.   4 FW    Texas
Artie   dgt.   2 FW   Texas
Jack   son   0 MW   Texas 

Children of Laura Farrell Little and Andrew Jackson Chisum:
1. Thomas Eli Chisum, born 20 November 1869 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
2. William Henry Chisum, born 19 February 1871 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
3. Fitzroy Chisum, born 21 March 1873 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
4. Artie M. Chisum, born 25 February 1875 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
5. Edna Chisum, born ca 1876 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
6.  Martha Ida Chisum, born 23 August 1877 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
7. Lee Jackson Chisum, born 27 November 1879 in Nacogdoches County, Texas and died 21 October 1946 and is buried in Simpson's Camp Ground Cemetery. He married Mary Alberta Alders.
8. Ethel Chisum, born 2 December 1881 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
9. Gil Chisum, born 20 May 1884 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
10. Fred Chisum, born 8 August 1887 in Nacogdoches County, Texas. 

Mary Elizabeth Chisum, daughter of Louisa Brimberry and William P. Chisum, was born 19 July 1840 in Nacogdoches County, Texas and died 29 November 1921 and is buried in Simpson's Campground in the Woden Area of Nacogdoches County, Texas.  She married James Singleton Alders, son of Lucy Jacobs and Thomas Alders, on 13 January 1859 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.  Mary received Confederate Pension # 18186 and applied for Confederate Mortuary Warrant #4714. James Singleton Alders was born 10 March 1833 in Madison County, Tennessee and died 24 April 1881 (his pension application states his date of death as 21 April 1881) in Nacogdoches County, Texas and is buried in Jacob's Chapel Cemetery in Nacogdoches County, Texas.

In the 1860 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas they appear as follows: 
Melrose Beat 3-C: 492-482
James Alders   27  M  W  Farmer   Tennessee
Mary E.   20  F  W  Housekeeper Texas
Lucy A. L.      5/12  F  W    Texas 

James appears on the 1861 Tax List, the 1865 Tax List, the 1867 Voter Registration, the 1870 Muster Roll and the 1864 Relief List of Nacogdoches County.  He served in the Confederate States Army in Co. G., 37th Texas Cavalry.

In the 1870 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas he appears as follows:
District III Melrose 57-59
James S. Alders  37  M  W  Farmer  Tennessee
Mary    30   F   W   Texas
Lusa    10  F   W    Texas
William    8  M  W    Texas
Allis    6  F  W   Texas
Thomas    4  M  W    Texas
Euphema    2  F   W    Texas

In the 1880 Census of Nacogdoches County, Texas they are listed as follows: 
Pricicnt # 3: 84-84
James Alders  head  46  M  W  Farmer  Tennessee
Mary E.   wife  40  F  W  Housekeeper  Texas
Lou   dgt.  20  F  W   Texas
William   son  18  M  W  Farmer  Texas
Alice   dgt.  15 F W  Texas
Tom   son  13  M  W    Texas
Euphemia   dgt  12   F  W    Texas
Clark   son   9  M  W   Texas
Mary    dgt.   5  F  W   Texas
Nannie   dgt.  3  F  W   Texas
Martie   dgt.   2  F  W    Texas
Jane Alders    sister  47  F  W  Housekeeper  Tennessee 

Children on Mary Elizabeth Chisum and James Singleton Alders: 

1. Lucy A. L. Alders, born 31 December 1859 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
2. William Hamilton Alders, born 28 February 1862 in Nacogdoches County, Texas; and died 30 August 1936 and is buried in Fairview Cemetery in Nacogdoches County, Texas.  He married Mattie E. ____, who was born 16 January 1872 and died 17 March 1941 and is also buried in Fairview Cemetery.
3. Alice Alders, born 1864 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
4. Thomas Alders, born 5 April 1866 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
5. Euphemia Alders, born 2 May 1868 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
6. Claiborne Horace Alders, born 22 December 1870 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
7. Mary E. "Molly" Alders, born 4 June 1874 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
8. Nannie Alders, born 1877 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
9. Myrtie Alders, born 21 November 1878 in Nacogdoches County, Texas. 

Lee Jackson Chisum, son of Laura Farrell and Andrew Jackson Chisum, was born 27 November 1879 in Nacogdoches County, Texas and died 21 October 1946 and is buried in Simpson's Camp Ground Cemetery. He married Mary Alberta Alders. 

Children of Mary Alberta Alders and Lee Jackson Chisum: 

1. Alma Laura Chisum, born 1 November 1903 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
2. Gladys Fannie Chisum, born 17 August 1905 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
3. Burford Lee Chisum, born 6 June 1907 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
4. Edrie Loree Chisum, born 21 March 1909 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
5. Doris Rannie Chisum, born 2 May 1911 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
6. Arthur Bernard Chisum, born 19 June 1913 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
7. Baby Chisum, born 23 August 1914, in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
8. J. E. Chisum, born 29 September 1917 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
9. Delma Authurene Chisum, born 30 January 1920 in Nacogdoches County, Texas. 

Thomas Eli Chisum, son of Laura Farrell and Andrew Jackson Chisum, was born 20 November 1869 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.  He died 4 February 1944 and is buried in Simpson's Campground Cemetery in Nacogdoches County, Texas.  He married Sallie H. King, on 31 December 1880 in Nacogdoches County, Texas. 

Children of Sallie H. King and Thomas Eli Chisum:

1. Mollie Chisum, born 3 January 1893 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
2. Elmer Chisum, born 24 June 1896 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
3. Effie Chisum, born 19 September 1898 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
4. Willie Chisum, born 23 March 1901 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
5. Clyde Chisum, born 2 December 1907 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
6. Claude Chisum, born 21 November 1909 in Nacogdoches County, Texas. 

William Henry Chisum, son of Laura Farrell and Andrew Jackson Chisum, was born 19 February 1871 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.  He died 22 December 1923 and is buried in Simpson's Campground in Nacogdoches County, Texas. He married Alice Carrie King on 24 December 1891 in Nacogdoches County, Texas. Alice was the daughter of Amanda Yarbrough and Rufus Outnam King, and was born 22 January 1873 in Nacogdoches County, Texas. 

Children of Alice Carrie King and William Henry Chisum:
1. Mae Chisum.
2. Johnny Chisum.
3. Bertha Chisum.
4. Clifton Chisum.
5. Virgil Chisum.
6. Vera Chisum.
7. Alice B. Chisum.
8. Alice B. Chisum.
9. Roger Lee Chisum.
10. Jimmy Chisum.