Cat Clubs
Rex & Sphynx Klubben (Danish Breed Club)
Racekatten (Danish Cat Club /in Danish/)
JYRAK (Danish Cat Club /in Danish/)
The Rex Cat Association (British Rex Cat Club)
Rex United (An international Swedish Rex Cat Club)
Nordiska Rexringen (Scandinavian Rex Cat Club /in Swedish/)
Sphynx and Rex Association(International Independent Breed Club).
Discussion site for Cornish Rex people(You have to register).
Discussion site for Devon Rex people(You have to register).
Rex (and other) Catteries
Windseeker Cattery
S*Gandaki's Cornish and Devon Rex
Penmarric Cattery
Av Ochremenko (N) Devon Rex and Sphynx cattery
S*Peavey's Devon Rex
Løveid's Cornish Rex
Feline Advisory Bureau (Information and research on feline diseases, behaviour, and breeding)
Fanciers Breeder Referral List
(FBRL) (Listing of more than 1400 breeders all over the world)
Cornell Feline Health Center (Veterinary medicine)
Pawprints and Purrs
(Cat health care)
European Cat Fancy (The ultimate cat lover's meeting place.)
The Color Brigade (This website explains the different patterns and colors)
Alan Robinson, photographer (Feline photography expert, UK)
Cat World Magazine, UK
Cat Resource Page (Lots of valuable information)
Cat World (World wide breders' list)
Netdyredoktor (In Danish)
PawPeds (Valuable pedigree database)
Kattportalen (A Scandinavian site in Swedish, including amon other things Databases for CRX and DRX)
Reidun's Cat Site (A Norvegian site with lots of cat stuff.)
KingCat Portal (A German site in both German and English)
Feline Humour
Cyber Cats - Postcards
Tania's Homepage

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Comments? Please send us an e-mail!
Website created by Naomi Bilodeau, 01/04/99. Last update: October 2005.