Welcome to the Days of Summer!
What’s your favorite way to spend the lazy days of summer? You can sleep in or just goof off. Play a game of badminton. Go swimming. A good ol' water fight. Or maybe sit in the shade and have a Popsicle. Watch your favorite video game. Hunt for Treasure. The choice is yours!
Well, don't just lay there! There's Treasure to be found out on those beaches!
Click here for a real Treasure Hunt off Jupiter Inlet!
There's Grandpa! He'll take us for a ride in the wagon!
Somebody go get Zachary and Aidan. They want to go too!
How about a game of baseball? I've got a bat. You get the ball!
Come on in! The water's great!

I touched the star fish! I did it! I did it!
Click here for a Beach Blast.
Click here for the Celebration.
Click here for Summer Nights.