It's time to check out those beach babies!
What would you like to do today?
The choice is yours . . .
If you want to go to the beach grab your suit, towel, board, snorkle, mask, fins, bucket, shovel, chair, umbrella, sunscreen, water bottle, and sandles. Have you got every thing? Get the keys! Let's go!
Click here for a Beach Blast.
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Just want to have some every day summer fun? Play a game of badmiton? Have a paint ball fight? A good ol' water fight?
Or maybe sit in the shade and have a Popsicle? Watch your favorite video? You can sleep in or just goof off. The choice is yours!
Click here for Summer Fun.
And don't forget those summer nights. Let's go watch the sea turtles lay eggs. Or we could play 'Night Games'. If you don't want to do that we can always watch the fireworks or do some star gazing.
Click here for Summer Nights.