
Welcome to Marilyn's place

This special place of mine is currently undergoing some renovations
and (I hope) improvements. When I've finished all the tweaks
and changes, you will find my collection of this and that;
Music, Graphics, Photos, Quotes and Sayings, Recipes, etc.
In other words, some of the wonderful things I've gathered
over several years and many, many hours of web searches.
There are so many neat things out there and I am like a kid
in a candy store. I just keep wanting more. Hopefully, during
your visit here, you'll find a few things to delight and intrigue you too.

I must confess that, except for the pages you are viewing,
I created none of these works. I have 'borrowed' them from many
talented others to whom I am exceedingly indebted.




"Marilyn's Music Room"

"Quotes & Sayings - Pg.1"

"Quotes & Sayings - Pg.2"

"Marilyn's Kitchen - Recipes and stuff"

"The Dog House - Our 4-legged friends and all things doggy"

"My Days of Wine and Roses - Thoughts about getting older"

"How Do You Keep The Music Playing - Music and Lyrics"


Please sign my Guestbook before you leave.
I hope you've enjoyed your visit and will come back again soon.

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This beautiful background set is from

If you have your speakers turned up, you're listening to "ROUTE 66". Did you know that Arizona, my recently adopted home state, has the longest stretch of of the "Original" Route 66?
I still remember, quite vividly, moving to California early in the 50's, traveling from Missouri in a pickup truck with family and household belongings via Route 66. What a trip!

Check this out!

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