This is Not a Poem, But A Useful Tool for You! Author Unknown!
(More will follow with the next revision!)
This is a Round Tuit. Guard it with your life! Tuits are hard to find -- especially round ones. It will help you to become a more efficient worker. For years you've heard people say, I'll do that when I get around tuit. "So now you have one, you can accomplish all those things you set aside, Till you could get a "ROUND TUIT." |
Time in life, it's ours to live. It passes, never wait.
Use it wisely, show you care, before it is too late.
How, you ask, can this be done? I'll tell you, if you'll try
To put in practice, what I say. Then life won't pass you by.
You give a smile, when'er you can, and make it from the heart.
More 'oft than not, with most you meet, there'll be a cordial start.
And then you listen, not just hear, to what they have to say.
And answer back, that shows you've heard. You could just make their day.
Caring is that special trait. One needs to show intent.
Gestures don't just fall in place. The message must be sent.
There's many a lonely person, who is seeking out a friend.
To show you care, you need not wait. Above all, don't pretend.
A simple "Hi" or "How's it going?" is all you need to say.
It's then that you have gambled, 'cause they may just walk away.
At least you're trying, strong, not weak. It's said that one must turn one's cheek.
To sit and wait for one who's shy to talk with you - they may not try.
So better still to show you care, to help the other fight despair,
Take that step and say those words. Life's time so precious shared.
By Richard L. Wagner