Creekland Farm - Meet the Family
The Powell's
Patti, Jack
Stephen, Benjamin, Seth
Chief fence fixer, jump builder, webmaster, father and husband. In charge of house, barn and land maintenance. Also self employed PE (Civil / Environmental Engineer) in East Berlin, PA, providing full land development services, septic system design, stormwater design, etc. Graduate of Hunt High School, Wilson, NC, and VA Tech, Blacksburg, VA. Go Hokies! Loves the ponies and has a resident broodmare he uses for riding fence, trail rides, etc.
Chief pony trainer, breeder, mom and wife. In charge of buying, selling and decisions related to the ponies. Works as a full time Mom, Substitute Teacher (New Oxford High School, New Oxford, PA) and hopes to make enough off the ponies to avoid needing a "real" job in the future. Graduate of Ogdensburg Free Academy, Ogdensburg, NY, and VA Tech (LASC Major - Physics, Math & Psychology Minors), Blacksburg, VA. Go Hokies! Loves training and making good pony/kid matches.
Homeschooling 9th grade in 2006/7. Loves chess and logic games. Indifferent to ponies (can't win them all). Very intellegent and wants to do something with math or mission work.
Homeschooling 7th grade in 2006/7. He's our rider and also loves sports and art. Excellent in school and wants to be a Doctor.
Homeschooling 5th grade in 2006/7. He loves bugs, insects, and most other animals. Wants to be an entomologist, but who knows.
Copyright - Creekland Farm 2006