Welcome to our Guestbook!

Pvt Church - 05/17/99 00:00:09
My URL:/Pentagon/Quarters/8558
My Email:mich2inf@lycosmail.com
Where are you from: Ottawa Ontario Canada
Do you Re-enact the Civil War: Yes 2nd Mich. Vol. Inf. Company "A"
Did you have ancestors involved in the Civil War: No
What were their names: N/A
Which unit where they in: N/A
How did you find our page: This is a Test

This is Test #2

Pvt Church - 03/22/99 18:36:23
My URL:/Pentagon/Quarters/8558/
My Email:mich2inf@lycosmai.com
Where are you from: Ottawa Otario Canada
Do you Re-enact the Civil War: Yes in the 2nd Mich Coy A
Did you have ancestors involved in the Civil War: No
What were their names: N/A
Which unit where they in: N/A
How did you find our page: Testing ook

This is Test #2

Pvt Church - 03/22/99 15:00:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/8558
My Email:mich2inf@lycosmail.com

This is a test

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