Welcome to my Guestbook!

Hank Maifeld - 02/11/00 04:53:46
My URL:/Heartland/Garden/9556
My Email:buckeye@exploremaine.com

Your site is really full of interesting information. Sounds like a lot of fun for kids and grownups alike.

Debby Kilburn - 09/02/99 04:23:45
My URL:http://www.4-H.org/fourhweb
My Email:fourhweb@aol.com

Hi, Cute website. Stop by the FourHWeb so I can list your club under your state and county. Have a great day! Debby Kilburn

chris - 03/25/99 01:32:39
My Email:salindash@cbpu.com

chris ash

Randys_homepage - 03/24/99 15:14:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/5980/
My Email:randys_homepage@yahoo.com

Keep up the good work

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