This is Our Trip to Hungary!

If you want to see some more recent pictures, head to Webshots! Or you can head to here for starters ;).

Well...our trip began like all Peterson trips do...with trips back to the house for forgotten items, trips to the potty, tired, cranky parents and children--but with all of us excited for the times to come.

We left Michigan right on time (really!) around 8:30 pm. We drove all night (well Mike drove all night anyway). The children did really well and actually did sleep a regular night's sleep which we were all thankful for. The only problems came when a mosquito found its way into our car. Britt kept telling us that something was biting her but we said, "It's nothing, go back to sleep" But when we got to MD we found 3 mosquito bites on her legs! We are horrible parents!

We got into Maryland EARLY believe it or not--surprising the McAuliffes, but as always, they were accommodating and ready for a Peterson invasion. We were able to spend some "quality" time with good friends and family while we were in MD. A vacation within a vacation! Unfortunately we didn't make the first flight for Germany and had to wait until Thursday to fly out. This gave us a chance to lay in the pool some more and do some more visiting--but we were anxious for the "big" part of the trip to begin.

On Thursday we were "selected" and we took off from BWI (Baltimore) around 10 pm. The children slept for most of that flight (7 or so hours). Mike and I slept a little (we all know how comfy airplanes are...) and were happy to be flying over the ocean while it was dark (plus the flight attendants asked everyone to close their blinds since we would be flying into light but everyone would be asleep).

We arrived in Germany in the late morning on Friday. Germany was interesting as we didn't have anyone to help us figure out how to get from the base (where we flew into) to the actual airport. Finally someone helped Mike with getting a Taxi and we were on our way. For part of the trip to the airport we were on the Autobahn! We got everything checked in and were all starving so we had to change some money and get some food. After about 5 hours of waiting it was time for us to go...

We finally arrived in Hungary around 7 pm on Friday night. We got off the plane expecting Peter and Magdi to be waiting for us. But here, you are forced right downstairs to the baggage claim/customs. We collected all of our bags (but Mike had to change money again for a cart!) and made our way outside (although we really didn't know where we were going). We saw Peter and Magdi waiting for us (with Peter's friend Gabor). Peter took pictures, we all hugged and we were on our way!


The front seat of our little car waiting to be driven 780 miles to Baltimore...

The back seat. We're lucky the kids have short legs!

This trunk was SO full. I had 5 suitcases, the video camera and Brittany's walker in here! It was pretty amazing!

This is the sun rising while we were passing through the Blue Ridge Mountains. You can see all the bugs on the window...sorry about that!

Since we didn't get selected for the Tuesday flight, we decided to take Brittany and Maddie on a little tour of Andrews Air Force Base, where Brittany was born.

This is the doctor's office where I went to all my prenatal appointments.

Malcolm Grow Medical Center...

Brittany and Mike in front of the nursery where Britt came when she was about 5 weeks old (from Bethesda). We even met a nurse who remembered the "Listeria" case!

Maddie being a goof while we were in the waiting room.

Again, Hammin it up for the camera

This is a couple in Germany--they are actually wearing "Liederhosen" (I don't know how to spell this word). I had to sneak the picture, so it is a little blurry...anyway I thought it was kind of cool!

Brittany on the couch in our kitchen in our "flat"

"The Morning After"--Maddie was totally zonked. She slept until 11 am!!!

The view from our flat (from the Left)

And from the Right

This is the roof of the house across the street from us. Mike thinks this roof is cool...

The neighbors behind us. Mike took this picture because the date on the house is 1899


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