Keeping Up With Georgie



Hi!  I am a travel writer.  I usually live in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas. Now flying solo again (that means divorced), I decided that it was time to see the world.  So from the middle of November until February, I lived in a cottage in Skipton, North Yorkshire, England. But now I am back in Arkansas. I'll be adding to these pages about my impressions of England and a little about my life here. I have recently added "Musings", a collection of creative writings.
This page is dedicated to all my friends on both sides of the Atlantic who said, "Let us know how you are doing" 
I hope you will enjoy sharing some of my travel experiences. Check back frequently, as this is an ongoing project.
My Travels in the UK (An index of travel articles about England)

ARKANSAS: My Home State (An index to travel articles about Arkansas>

The Rest of My World (More Travel Articles)

Musings and Other Creative Writings (A collection of essays and Personal Thoughts)



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