Teachers Lounge
Welcome teachers and friends. On this page I will try to keep topics of help and interest for teachers, future teachers, and substitutes. I am no expert myself, but am just posting helpful things I run across by trial and error and from my education classes.

Feel free to leave me advice, I love suggestions!
Visit the Message Board below!!!

A Hundred Years from Now...
it will not matter how much money I made,
the kind of car I drove,
or the size house I lived in,
but maybe the world will be a better place
because I was important in the life of a CHILD!
----author unknown

Teacher's Prayer
I want to teach my students how
to live this life on earth
To face its struggles and its strife
and improve their worth
Not just the lesson in a book
Or how the rivers flow
But how to choose the proper path
Wherever they may go
To understand eternal truth
And know the right from wrong
And gather all the beauty of
A flower and a song
For if I help the world to grow
In wisdom and in grace
Then I shall feel that I have won
And I have filled my place
And so I ask your guidance, God
That I may do my part
For character and confidence
And happiness of heart.
----James J. Melcalf

Well as you all know, learning cant really happen if the class is out of control. And now that I'm subbing this year, I need behavior management more than ever. Here's a few tactics that can help prevent serious problems.......

1. Reinforce positive behaviors: Rewarding those who are doing well will keep them doing well and may even inspire the ones who aren't.
2. Use Non-Verbal signals to show disapproval: This keeps it low key as not to interrupt the rest of the class, plus it lets the mis-behaving student a chance to correct themself and avoid more serious consequences.
3. Use Proximity control: Walk around while speaking or reading to the students, and stand by the student who tends to misbehave.
4. Using names: If a student seems to be losing focus, us their name in an example of what you're explaining. I enjoy this one alot and have great luck with it.
5. Redirection: Although redirection is a common used word, it really does work. Redirect the attention to something positive.
6. Personal action: Plan a self control ahead of time with a student who tends to have behavior problems. Sit with him/her and come up with steps he/she can take when he/she feels compelled to act inappropriately.

Multicultural Education:
A current and growing trend in education is Multicultural Education. Schools are realizing a need to be aware of the many different ethnicities and ideas in their communities and schools. The basic premise is respecting each culture individually, and looking at our country as a "tossed salad" with idividual parts, rather than as a "melting pot" which assumes we all become the same. I have just started working on a Multicultural credential and I have learned alot so far. I will be continually posting new ideas.
Here's some great literature for children
which promote the values of multicultural education:

1. Journey of the Sparrows, by Fran Buss
2. Children of the River, by Linda Crew
3. In the year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson, by Bette Bao Lord
4. Racing the Sun, by Paul Pitts
5. Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry, by Mildred Taylor
6. Journey to Topaz, by Yoshiko Uchida...(my favorite of the 6 books)
Here are some links for Multicultural Education:
The American Immigration Home PageOriginally started as a school project. Gives information on immigration through history and details....great info!
Multicultural PavilionProvides much information and links, also has a message board.
The Web of CultureCovers many multicultural topics, includidng food, currency, religions and more

General Helpful Links for teachers:
The Idea Box Fun ideas, including an "idea of the day" that changes daily
Ideas for Primary Teachers Lots of great ideas! Well organized too!
The Chalkboard Get free stuff for your class and school!
PBS Teacher SourceGreat stuff and a new topic each month.
Come back soon, I will update as soon as possible! In the meantime, please visit the message board below! I'd love to hear from you!

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