....What she represents to women everywhere,
or at least to me :-)
At first glance, Smurfette appears to be an affront to all women, old fashioned, no where near feminist, due to her flirtacious nature and feminine wiles. But on the contrary, if you look a little deeper, she represents a powerful woman, with complete control over her environment and the men around her. After all, she doesn't just marry the first smurf she sees, in fact, she puts much thought into it, and waits for the very best.
She's actually an independant woman, although she allows smurfs to do things for her, she doesn't commit herself to a life with one smurf. She thought about marriage many times, due to pressure in her society, but she hasn't given into it....yet. (So many smurfs, so little time).
And due to this, many critics of the Smurf's cartoon call her trampy. But if you ask me, I dont see whats wrong with being selective!
I admit, Smurfette isn't perfect, as no smurf or human is, and she is a little flirty and provocative at times, but women should feel sexy, its part of our
feminine nature, self-confidence and empowerment.
Smurfette also does what many of us do, she sometimes goes after what is hardest to get....
......the appeal of the challenge I suppose :-) But that doesn't mean she doesn't like being pampered....every Smurfette and woman needs to be cherished, and maybe the reason Smurfette never commits is she never wants to be taken for granted. As you can see by the look on her face, being spoiled sure doesn't hurt!
I hope you enjoyed my tribute to Smurfette. If Smurfette can teach us anything, let it be that if you're female, just remember you're always one of a kind and deserve being valued. If you're male, just remember to never take your Smurfette or Woman for granted.
Thank you much for visiting :-)
Scanned this art myself, please dont steal, email me for permission, thanks :-)
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Smurfette is a trademark of Peyo, Belgium
Exerpts from "Romeo and Smurfette, and 12 Other Smurfy Stories", by Peyo, Random House