UPDATE Jan. 20, 2002 (Martin Luter King Jr, thank you for being a great man) I'm now a Washington State Certified EMT! It was tough but a blast and I can't believe all that I had to learn but I did and it's great. I'm really liking the medical side of Firefighting. Learn more about me here
July 17th, 2002
Well I finally decided to up date my home page. I am trying to keep this page to a firefighter theme. Please bear with me as I update. Well I finally got to on my first "REAL" House fire. It was on the Green Valley Road in Auburn at 3AM on Monday July 15th. It was much differant than what we did during the academy. This was so great. I was the FIRST person in the building working on an interior attack.
So here is a little background on me. I'm 24 and recently graduated from the King County Mountain View Fire and Rescue District 44 academy on May 5th, 2002. This was a very proud moment for me. I had never attempted such a task nor would i have ever thought that I would follow it through. There were many times I wanted to quit but every time I decided not to, I just loved what I was doing that much more. By the end of the academy I was in the best shape of my life and loving life more than ever. This was one of the greatest things to have happened to me. A little after September 11th, I wanted to change careers, not that I wasn't happy with what I was doing, I just wanted to be something more. My brother was a firefighter at that time and was going to EMT school. I became interested in the medical side of the fire service and begain studying with him. I looked at some EMT courses and talked with some private ambulance companies. After talking to those guys I still wasn't sure if that was what I wanted. I was talking to my brother one night and he threw out the idea if the fire service. Something I hadn't thought of before. I talked with him some more about it and gave it a lot of thought and found that this may be something that I would like. For the next month or so I spent a lot of time with my brother down at the fire station learning as much as I could. I was really enjoying it and found that I had a nitch for it. I made my decision about the end of November to enroll in the next academy at the end of Feb. About the first of Feb. I received my acceptance letter to the academy. I figured that I was committed at that point.
I'm happy to say that I am now a Firefighter and having the time of my life.
** For more info about me, be sure to click on the ORIGINAL HOMEPAGE link at the top left of this page. Thanks!! ** |