Thank you so much for this - I feel honored*****


I heard whispers in the dark, but couldn't quite get the gist;
Who was it that was whispering, and what secret had I missed?
Perhaps I'm dreaming I told myself, but I knew that wasn't true;
So I tried to listen harder and pick up on some clue!

The voices, yes, I was sure there was more than one, were speaking about me;
Who were these unknown whisperers - - who I couldn't hear and couldn't see?
I drifted off to sleep I guess, as their whispers just droned on;
And later when I woke up again, the whisperers had gone!
In their place stood a doctor and a nurse I didn't know;
Who said "we thought we'd lost you - so glad you didn't go"!

They said "it's a miracle you're still with us", and then I knew the truth;
The whisperers had been angels; not people here on earth!
They must have gathered round my bed, and kept me hanging on;
Their whispers weren't just words I knew - they were reciting psalms!

God had sent His angels to get me through this night so I'd awaken the next day;
I now believe in miracles - - and angels by the way!

So when you're alone and think you hear something but can't be sure it's true;
It's probably your angels watching, and whispering, over you!

Written 06/17/00
2000 Rita A. Hallenbeck
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