
"Author Unknown By Request"
On a bright Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001,
The workday for millions had barely begun.
We all left our homes planning things to be done on that day,
Never imagining the unspeakable terror that was heading our way.
It’s a moment in time that’s now frozen in thought,
Like the moment you heard that John F. Kennedy had been shot.
Or the image of a spacecraft, Challenger was her name,
Your mind holds the picture of her exploding in flame.
Just as those moments are etched in your memory still,
Now the vision of planes attacking buildings will give you a chill.
Thousands of people will never go back to their homes and families again,
And millions have suffered with tears, anguish and pain.
But now those millions have united in one strong, solid voice,
We must take back our freedom; there’s just no other choice.

America and her allies will no doubt win this war,
For the resolve of “freedom loving people” is stronger than ever before.
We’ve lost thousands in body, but they have multiplied in spirit,
And until freedom rings true, over terrorism, we shall never quit.
To the families and loved ones of those that we’ve lost,
Be assured that their deaths will be avenged – no matter the cost.
Their senseless deaths will not be in vain,
And our victory may somehow help to ease your pain.
America is the "land of the free and the home of the brave",
And our flag, the symbol of freedom, forever will wave.
Prepare for a battle like none seen before,
To protect the word freedom on each and every shore.
We shouldn’t need guards in our towns, on our buses or planes,
What we need is to eradicate terrorism – bringing an end to its sick reign.
Stand now with your brother, whether red, brown or white,
Our freedom has been challenged – America’s ready NOW to fight.

Written 09/23/01
2001 Rita A. Hallenbeck
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