When it seems that hope is gone and you have nowhere to turn; Just open your eyes and ears - a friend is near you'll learn;
When you feel like no one understands just where you're at;
Someone out there somewhere knows; you can count on that;
I'm met some great people since I pulled onto this information highway;
Knowing I can talk to them at night helps me get through my day;
Whether you're new to the "net", or an old hand at traveling through space;
Be assured there are friends out there - though you haven't seen a "face";
They'll always tell you the truth; they've no reason to lie;
They'll laugh at your jokes, and when you're sad; they too will cry!
They can make you change your whole outlook on life;
And help you see things from the other side, relieving the strife;
And so, to my friends, the old and the new;
I say "thanks for being here" - I'm so glad I've "met" you!
Written 03/25/00
2000 Rita A. Hallenbeck
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